Chapter 2 "It's funny when you shit your pants!"

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***Audrina's POV***

"Can I just get some fresh air?" I asked stiffly.

"Sure." Aileen smiled. I almost ran out of the room. Shit! Shit. Shit. Shit. Why Zayn!? Why the one that I liked!?

"Audrina!" Kimberly grabbed my hand when I came out. "Audrina what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"I-I have t-to date one of t-them." I stuttered, I was probably in shock.

"Isn't that a good thing, I mean they're all super cute!" She said giving me a look.

"NO! They're Louis' best friends! I have rules!"

"Is it because you have to date Harry?" I'd told her why I was a bit against curly.

"No," I sighed "Worse!"

"WHAT?! Who?"


"Okay, back up. You have no right to sulk! You've always thought Zayn was the hottest and cutest and now people are practically throwing him at you, and you say no?"

"Well, that's the thing! Since I think he's the cutest I'm probably gonna fall for him, since we're gonna spend a lot of time together and act all couply. And then he won't feel the same way, because there are much better looking girls throwing themselves at him, and then I'll be broken and feel stupid!" I broke out into tears. It was really hard for me, since I fall really easily and then I just end up getting hurt. I really couldn't help it. Ever since I had my first crush, I'd been crushing and falling in love really easily.

"Come here!" Kimberly said and hugged me. She was taller than me so she rested her head on mine. "It's gonna be okay!" She said and stoked my hair. She was the best friend in the world. So was Louis. Speaking of which-

"Audrina?" Louis came out of the room and closed the door behind him. He also hugged me. "What's wrong, love?"

Love, he hadn't called me that in years.

"Kimberly can tell you!" I cried. Kimberly explained everything to Louis. She didn't leave out a single detail. It showed that she really listened, which was nice. Not many people did.

"Don't worry, Audrina!" Louis said looking at me. "If he breaks your heart, I'll break his legs!" I laughed through my cries. "Let's get you cleaned up!" Louis said. He helped me wash away my runny mascara and Kimberly helped my apply some new. Then I took a deep breath and entered the room again. The boys were sitting on the sofa and the others were just standing there. I held Louis' hand tightly as we walked in. I really missed him, and I couldn't be mad at him for living his dream.

"We'll leave you teenagers to tell them." Aileen said and the adults left the room. I obviously missed some useful information. Now it was just me and One Direction in the room.

"You okay?" Liam asked. That was sweet of him. I just nodded.

"Are you okay with this? I mean we can protest against it." Zayn said. Oh shit! I must've made him feel like crap! I mean, he must think that I hate him. Running out crying because I had to date him.

"No, the decision has been made." I said.

"So what you missed is we're gonna give you two lessons on how to act in front of press. Harry's been a couple fake relationships so he's good with teaching you some of that." Liam said.

"Why do we need to be taught?" I asked. I mean, I've actually been in a relationship before!

"It's not like being in a real relationship. And we're helping you on how to make it real. You know you'll need to like, hug, hold hands-"

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