"calm your tits!"

Start from the beginning

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As I walked into my first class I had no clue what I was going to say to Jisung. I mean what could I say?  "hey Jisung remember Friday night when we almost kissed and you bailed in the morning?" NO. But before I could even make sight of Jisung I saw a crowd of guys standing around one in the center. The guy in the center looked like he was almost about to explode with anger. I could only hear faint whispers, but just from picking up on social cues I could tell they were trying to comfort him. "Hey Diana, what happened?" I asked stopping her as she the only person I had enough confidence to even ask a question. She let out a sigh "I guess the guy in the middle, Mitch" she starts as she begins pointing at the guy in the center, but I bring her hand down so it isn't so obvious. "His brother must be in a gang or something, because he was found in the back of an alley beat to death". To death....?  I swear if.. "Beat to death?" I question which she just nonchalantly nods while glancing at Mitch. "And I guess Mitch and a bunch of his brothers friends are on watch for who did it. They're going to kill him" She continues which I feel the need to sit down. All I could let out was simple thanks before taking a seat at my desk. Jisung please tell me this wasn't you. But as much as I wanted to question him, he wasn't in class. 


"Has the news been spreading that quickly?" I ask Carmen as she just brung up the whole Mitch situation. "I mean I guess it's pretty serious" Carmen replies as we grab our food and take a seat. "If they're threatening death upon the person, yeah it's pretty serious" I say which Carmen shrugs her shoulders. "That's if they can find them" she replies but before I could say anything else my attention was on something else. You've gotta be kidding me. 

There Jisung was walking in the cafeteria before walking out again. "Hold on I'll be right back" I say to Carmen before getting up and speeding for the hallway.

 I looked right and left before I saw Jisung walking normally down the hallway. "Jisung" I call out, but he didn't stop walking. Rolling my eyes in annoyance I speed walk down the hall while still calling out his name, but not until I was right behind him he turned around. "Missed me that much?" he questions before I pull him away from the center of the hall to take attention away from us. "Oh shut up, did you hear about the news?" I whisper. He stares at me for a good second as if he was examining what I meant. I raise my eye brows showing I was waiting for a response. "What news? Are we getting married or something?" he jokes while giving a smirk. I hit his arm in response which he holds his arm rubbing it after. "No dumbass, the news about Mitch's brother being beat to death in the back of an alley" I say still keeping my voice low. "Yeah, what about it?" Jisung questions not really caring about the conversation which annoyed me more. "Is that connected to you?" I finally ask which I just wanted to know from the start. He paused once again still looking at me. "For legal reasons I'm going to say no" and I paused. Oh my god. He killed him. Like actually killed him. Why did I think he was still alive? "Oh my god" was all I could squeak out. As much as I wanted to yell at him I felt sick to my stomach. As I turned to walk away, Jisung grabbed my arm to turn me back around. "What's wrong?" he asks looking at me, once again studying me. "First of all I witnessed a murder and couldn't stop it, and I let the killer in my house" I say trying to leave again, but he still didn't let me. "Listen speedy Gonzales, I didn't kill him" he said which I paused and gave him a look. "Yes I did beat him to a bloody pulp, but did I finish off the job? No. So you didn't witness and murder, but if you didn't stop me then I would've been responsible" Jisung explained. I exhaled to the news, but looked at him. "Then who did kill him?" I ask, which Jisung stood quietly while rubbing his neck. "Don't worry about that" he replied looking at me deeply. "Why-" but I cut off by Carmen calling me down the hall. Jisung and I kinda paused while looking at each other before she came arrived. "What are you doing?" She asked finally in front of Jisung and I. Well doesn't this situation look great... "She was just bitching at me on how I keep missing our first class" Jisung simply responded. "I wouldn't bitch so much if you actually showed up" I reply playing along. "Jisung, lets go" a voice called from down another hall which we all turned to see Chenle standing at the door. "Well that's my cue ladies" he says before jogging down the hall to Chenle. 

He said I didn't witness and murder, but it's weird he said I didn't let a killer in my house.... But who killed Mitch's brother though? And why can't he just tell me at this point? 


hEyyy, so sorry about a big delay. I'm actually on spring break and tbh this whole corona thing got me suffering from some major depression as many of things concerning college in the future are being threatened. BUT I'm still going to try and update this series. It was just hard to get the motivation to even type because of it. So I'm trying to stay positive, and if anyone else is suffering in anyway I wish the best for you '''' <3 ~

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