fifty one.

167 15 5

QOTD: First 5SOS song you heard?

OKAy SO my very first Hemmo1996 cover I heard was Drop In the Ocean (still one of my favorite songs) AND MY VERY FIRST 5SOS SONG WAS Out of My Limit (which is still the shit okay im not over it yet) BUT NOW MY FAVORITE IS CURRENTLY DAYLIGHT OR AMERICAN IDIOT.
btw why is no one freaking out over Pandora's dream (the part in itallaics) because um, well... Oh and Juliette? Does nobody remember the autistic baby they volunteered with?

Pandora Gray

"I knew you liked older girls, kid, but damn."A girl with short brown hair says as Lucas drags me in, chuckling. "She has to be about my age or so."

His face turns scarlet red, and I have to fight the urge to pinch his cheeks. "Shut up, Minji. Where's mum?" Minji continues to wash plates as she points to a room to the right.

"What, no thank you?"

"Nope." He grins and then I follow him to the room where Minji pointed to. A woman is sitting on the bed, bouncing none other than Juliette on her lap. I remember her very well, and I'm so happy she got adopted, not to mention all her bruises have faded away. "Mum, this was the girl I texted you about." The woman smiles.

"Hello, you must be Pandora. What a lovely name, I'm Eliza." I shake her hand, and Juliette points at me.

"You-you-you didn't hit me." I smile, and Eliza looks down at her daughter.

"You must know each other, I presume?"

"I volunteered with her when she was in the orphanage." I want to keep talking, but I stop myself, because then I remember Harry taking silly pictures of me. "I've missed her."

"That's wonderful," She pauses, "anyways, how long will you be staying for?"

"Um, maybe just a few days,  if that's all right with you, Mrs..?" I wait for her to tell me her last name.

"Dear, call me Eliza, and oh yes, we have a room all set for you, come come." She takes my hand and hands Juliette to Lucas, and leads me to a room, that reminds me all too well, of Harry's room.


Harry Styles

I really wish I knew if you were okay or not.

Harry xx

Everyone's been worried about you, and so am I. I'm not going to be able to sleep, I think I fucked up. I've been playing all your favorite songs, and yeah.

Harry xx


  that is all goodbye

Ash xx

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