twenty seven.

466 16 32

Pandora Gray

I hazily blink open my eyes to see green eyes staring right back at me, a bright smile, and long eyelashes that girls would kill for. His arms are around my waist, and I grin at him.

"Morning. " He yawns, and I laugh.

"I thought you went to your room yesterday. " I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"You were screaming in your sleep, so I came back." He says quietly, and my smile falters. "Sorry, I just thought-" I cut off his little speech.

"No, no, it's okay. It actually means a lot to me, thank you. " I smile, playing with his curls a little bit. "We have to get ready, don't we?" He nods and I roll out of bed, my hair not even resembling a rats nest but something way shitter.

"I even have to pick up Valerie, ugh, probably won't get breakfast." I make my way into the kitchen, while Harry goes to his room, to wash up. I pour myself a bowl of dry Cheerios,then scoop a handful in my mouth before I go sing 'Shower' in the shower.

After I'm done showering, and done with that bowl of Cheerios, I plop my ass down on the couch, and watch TV, because I still have about an hour left. There's literally nothing good on as I keep flipping through channels, the only good thing being on is Dora, and I'm not going through that again. "ARE YOU READY?" I yell, and I get no reply.


He obviously went to pick up Valerie, I'm so stupid, ugh.



I switch off the TV, get my phone, and a pack of gum , and brace myself for my a. making up with Jenna, b. Valerie and c. all the tears because I'll probably be crying like a baby when I see Gemma's dress. I leave the flat, locking the door behind me, and going out to the car, humming a little tune too.


At Gemma's house, everybody was there,excluding Ashton. Harry, Valerie, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall, Ashlyn, Nina, Luke, Calum, Mikey and Tori were all lounging around, half of them eating the breakfast they didn't eat at home, the other half aimlessly chatting. Jenna and I lock eyes, not saying a word to each other as I walk over to Luke and Calum, who belong to the stuffing face half. "Hey."

"Heller." Luke mumbles with his mouth full, "Val is here. Yay." He does a little fake cheer as he keeps eating the Skittles.

"Jesus, take the wheel, because we need it." Calum scoffs, and I stifle a laugh so I don't laugh too loudly. I sit down on the bar stool, while Michael comes over, leaving his girlfriend on the couch. "Hey Mikey."

"Hay is for horses, you idiot. It's hi." He rolls his eyes, and I laugh, seeing already that I'm going to like this guy. "I'm sorry, we haven't fully met yet. I'm Michael Clifford."

"The big red dog," I finish, and he gives a 'you're not the only one to use that joke' look, "Alright, I'm Pandora Gray, resident bitch."

"Tori never shuts up about you, apparently you guys are best friends."

"We're the bestest." I raise my eyebrows, mentally daring him to tell me that bestest isn't a word, because it's in my dictionary.

Of Fabulosity.

Cue Shapay's Fabulous.

"What's her name?" He points over at Jenna who's talking to Calum. "Blonde hair, that one?"

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