twenty two.

589 14 44

Pandora Gray

    "Oh my gosh, my back hurts." I get off of the couch,where we both fell asleep yesterday. Harry groans sleepily, rubbing his eyes, "Why are you staring at me?"

"I've never seen a case of worst bed head, geez." He runs his fingers through his hair, and I roll my eyes.

"I woke up like this. Flawless." I stretch my hands outwards, "So today's the day, right?" He nods, "Thank God, you've grown a pair and finally been able to ask Valerie to be your girlfriend. It's about fucking time."

"Shut it, you don't even have a boyfriend. Are you going out today?" I nod, "Where?"

"All of us are going to an amusement park, it's called Jason Manor, or something like that." (A/N: This is real, when I want back to London I went here, but the last time I went was 08.)

"That place is filled with bitchy kids,  have fun." He gets up, and goes to the kitchen, "You want some breakfast? Pancakes, toast?"  I get up as well, and go and make some coffee.

"Pancakes would be good, thanks Haz." I wave my hand,and he turns around to look at me.

"Haz? What the hell is that?"

"Your new nickname."

"Sounds weird," He comments, going into the pantry to get some flour and sugar. "It reminds me of Fez."

"Then let's call you Green Giant."


"You have green eyes and you're a fucking giant, it's clever." He starts to talk, and I hush him, "It's genius, don't question it okay?"

"Whatever you say, babe." He waves his hand and dismisses the conversation. "Whatever you say."


"I'm so fucking excited for this, I don't know why!" Nina bounces in her seat, her hair flying everywhere, "Are you guys going to ride any rollercoasters?"

"Hell yes." Louis, Niall, Zayn and Ashton reply, and I look at Luke, Calum and Liam.

"Aww! You don't wanna go on th big rollercoaster?" I tease, Liam playfully glaring at me, "Are you boys scared?"

"Pshh no. I'm going there  just to eat." Luke says casually, and Gem rolls her eyes.

"You're afraid, don't even question it." Ashlyn scoffs as we pull into the parking lot, "I dunno about you guys, but I'm going on the Thomas the Tank Engine ride, that ride was my fucking childhood." We all get out of the car, grinning like madmen. "COME ON VAMANOS EVERYBODY LET'S GO!" She sings, earning some strange looks from others.

That's just Ashlyn for you.

"Ashlyn, you're runing my cool." Louis slides on some black sunglasses, as well as Luke.

"Like you had any cool anways, Lou." Ashlyn retorts, and Zayn hisses.

"Mate, you know she's right."

"Well it's always nice to try."

"Some people just radiate cool, like me." Gemma pops her collar and keeps walking until we're almost to the ticket booth.

"You mean like me?" We finally get to the ticket booth, and as Ashton hands the lady money, he laughs at Gemma.

"Honey, Gemma is Queen, end of story." Jenna cuts in, and we all cheer as Gemma does a small courtsey, "Guys," Jenna swats my shoulder, "There's free WiFi, and food! Bless the owner, hallelujah, praise the Lord,oh my gosh there is cotton candy! This day would be perfect if Tyler Oakley, Thats0jack and Zoella walked in." Jenna is basically fangirling, running and grabbing my hand to pull me toward the food.

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