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    Pandora Gray

"We're never going to be able to pull this off, we should've just told Lou the truth." Harry and I stand and look around at our little mock Voice set. There's a microphone in the middle of the room, and three spinny chairs like the ones on the show.

"It'll work Harry. All we need is faith, trust, and Pixie Dust." I smirk, and he rolls his eyes, "Don't act like you haven't watched it."

"Off topic babe. So what exactly are you singing?"

"We can lip sync, and you're a judge! You can't know." I walk over to the the kitchen, and grab a box of M&Ms. "When are they going to get here?"

He shrugs, "I said at abo-" He's cut off by the doorbell, and we open the door to see that it's Dani, Liam, Ashlyn and Louis.

"Pandy, I thought we were best friends, why haven't you told me?" Ashlyn walks in the room, raising her eyebrows suggestively at the two of us.

Hell to the no Ash, hell to the no.

"Yeah, well nothing happened."  Louis opens a black umbrella that I didn't even know he had, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What'd you do that for?"

"Because a shitstorm is coming, I can feel it." He says dramatically as he walks into the flat. Ashlyn rolls her eyes and laughs at her boyfriend. "We're allowed to do groups, correct?" I nod, and he grins.

"I brought clothes!" Dani exclaims, and she holds up a white bag with some outfits in it. "Just in case, they're all matching too."

"Hey! We're here!" Niall, Nina, Gemma, Ashton, Luke, Zayn and Calum announce and I can hear Liam mutter,

"Why did I forget to close the door?"

"Shut up, you know you love us." Calum teases, and Liam shakes his head.

"Why did I choose you as my boyfriend?" Dani retorts, and you can hear Louis whisper,

"Told you I'd need the umbrella."

"I choose you, Pikachu!" Niall exclaims, and Nina lightly swats him. "There was a Pokémon phase."

"Dammit Niall, I thought we said we'd never speak of it again. We swore, remember?" Zayn hisses as he walks in.

"Oh shit."

"It was a dark time for all of us." Luke mutters, and Louis nods in agreement.


"So, why the hell did Harry do a horrible cover up of what you guys were doing last night?" Ashlyn asks me as we shut the room door. Harry finally bought another door after he kicked the first one down when he was asking me if I wanted to go shopping or not. "He knows that we take singing competitions seriously. Last one that we had,I'm pretty sure that someone forgot to feed Sally for three days in anger."

Turning, I ask, "Who the fuck is Sally?"

"Correction, was. She was Niall's old cat." Danielle explains, and Jenna and I collapse on my bed. "So are you four a group?"

"Yeah, and I really want to win." Nina clarifies as I pick at my nails. "I do have an idea of what song we can do though."

"Before we get to that, why would you want to win?" I stop Nina before she can continue, because Harry never said anything about a prize. Or maybe he did,and I didn't hear it?

He probably did, when was the last time you listened to him?

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