forty two.

279 14 8

Harry Styles

"Oh my gosh, screw the camping trip, oh my gosh I'm going to hyperventilate having children are scary." Luke panics, and Calum tries to calm him down. Louis logs back on, his face appearing on my screen.

"What did I miss?"

"Gemma's pregnant." Ashton bluntly replies.

"You guys had sëx, Harry let that sink in for a second." Louis laughs, and I cringe back. "Sorry, Har."

"Apology not accepted." I stick out my tongue. "When did you find out?"

"About a week ago, why?"

"About a week ago, week ago," Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn start to get up to do the dance, and the rest of us roll our eyes and laugh.

"Have you told the girls yet? They're going to be planning baby showers and they won't  shut up until they know the gender." Louis laughs, "I know Ash won't, at least."

"We haven't told the girls," Ashton pauses, "and it's  a girl, I feel it." Gemma laughs loudly.

"You feel it? Who's carrying the child? I think it's a boy." Gemma pats her stomach, and you can't really tell she's pregnant. "If it's a boy, then it'll look like you." She pats Ashton's nose and Liam fake gags.

"Please, I'm trying to keep my breakfast down."

"Shut up, let them be cute." Zayn replies back. "You may proceed."

"I think we're all missing the most important part, what the hell will this baby even be named? Even though we don't know the gender yet. "

"For a girl? I like Daisy." I shrug.

"She or he isn't going to be a fücking flower." Gemma rolls her eyes, and I raise my hands, "sorry."

"It's okay, when are you even going to tell the girls?"

"I've got an idea," she grins, "are the girls home, right now?" Louis, Luke, Calum, Zayn, Niall and I nod. "Perrie's home? Cool." She smirks and takes out her phone, and starts to type something quickly, then puts it away. She holds up five fingers, "five, four, three, two.. One." My door bursts open to see Pandora standing there, pointing at Gemma on the screen. I see Ashlyn and Nina doing the same.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Pandora screeches.

"FÜCKING PREGNANT!" Nina choruses.

"WHY IS NO ONE FOCUSING ON THE FACT THAT YOU AND ASHTON HAD SEX?" Ashlyn exclaims and she high fives her boyfriend. (my very first thought when someone says she's pregnant)

"Gemma oh my," Perrie glances up at the screen, "when did you find out?"

"Don't you dare, but like a week ago." Gemma beams.

"I think it's a girl." I didn't even notice Jenna was in the room until she was sitting on the couch with Luke and Calum. "If it's a girl, can I take her shopping?"

"No way," Pandy rolls her eyes, "I want it to be a boy."

"So do I!" Her and Gemma air high five, "but if it's a girl, I'll love it all the same."

"That's going to be a hot baby." Perrie laughs, popping another Skittle in her mouth.

"Hotter than hot." Ashlyn agrees. "I'm so excited aw, you should name her like, June or something." Obviously, Ashlyn wants it to be a girl. "But don't have a basic name, that would be boring."

"Yeah, no basic names." Niall agrees.

    We talk for a little while longer, arguing over baby names and just a bit over Tori and Michael breaking up because Jenna was here. She seemed a bit relieved once we told her. I didn't tell them the plan though, since:

a) certain people were in the room.

b) i wasn't even fully sure of it

c) Wait, yes I am there are just people in the room.

Luckily, the girls left to go do, I don't know, know do I care, and it just left us guys, once again. "Hey." I wave.

"He has his 'I need to tell you something face on' guys, we need to listen." Liam leans forward.


"Speak clearly idiot, or else we can't understand you."

"I wanna ask Pandy out." And there are a bunch of whoops and cheers from the boys.

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