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Harry Styles

       My hands are shaking, my back is sweating and my curls are literally glued to my forehead.

I'm finally going to do it.

I'm finally going to ask Valerie out.

"Styles, grow a pair of balls and call her." Pandora snaps next to me on the couch. "You're not getting any younger, I mean."

"Babe, patience is key." I smirk, trying to keep a cool demeanor, she sees right through it.

"You look like a twelve year old asking a girl to the fair. You're not cool." She rolls her eyes, and I swat her lightly on the arm. She feigns hurt, "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to hit a girl?"

"That wasn't hitting, plus I can be a lot rougher." I wink, and she whacks me with a pillow. "Fuck you."

"Two things, one, I know you want to. And two? One day I will drag your ass to church, because you obviously need Jesus." She snatches my phone out of my hand and scrolls though my contacts.

"Hey! Give it back!" I whine, and she laughs, getting up and running away. "Ugh, I hate you so much!" I get up, running after her.

"Ditto! Found her!" She calls, and runs into the living room.

"Pandora fucking Gray, I swear if you call her. . ."

"Hello? This is Harry's–" She starts, and I finally catch up to her, grabbing her wrist, "Maid. Here's Harry." She hands the phone to me, and I snatch it away from her.

"Hello? Hi Valerie, that was my maid. . . Kayla. Yeah, I was wondering if you were free tonight? At eight, maybe? Yes, I've made reservations at Chez Fancy. Oh, okay great I'll pick you up. Bye!" I drop the call, and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Congratulations, you can finally get your ass out of the house for once." She smirks at me.

"I dunno what I'm going to wear, though." I remark, and she turns to me, shocked. "I seriously don't."

"You don't fucking know?" Pandy asks incredulously.

"No clue."

"Get your shit together, Styles, I'm gonna help you."

"Goodie!" I say sarcastically, while taking a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it.

"Don't smoke, it's going to look disgusting." She doesn't even look up at me as she types something on her phone, a favorite pastime of hers. "Not look disgusting, smell disgusting, look disgusting."

"I'm guessing you despise it?"

"Ever since I started living here."

"Fine, babe." I throw the finished one in the trash, and light another one, "You like this?"

"Hell no."

"That's why I'm doing it. " I walk over to my room, and I can hear Pandora's footsteps following me. When I get in my room, and head straight to my closet. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I literally have to look down to see her. "I thought you were going to help?"

"I am, why the fuck do you have this?" She holds up a chicken costume. "I say you should wear this, scare her away."

"What, you're you're jealous? Don't want me to be with another girl, 'cause you want me all to yourself?" I tease, and throw a pair of jeans on the bed. "Sorry, babe, can't help you there."

"Babe," She retorts, letting go of me, "I'd rather eat chopped liver, then date you. That's good." She points at the jeans and the shirt, and sunglasses on the bed.

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