twenty six.

440 16 10

Pandora Gray

Harry and I lie there in silence, hands almost touching and Mayday Parade playing softly. " I can't believe you actually like this stuff." He comments, and I roll my eyes.

"It's 'cause I'm so punk rock."

"You're a dork, you know that?" I laugh, reaching over for my phone and headphones. "I'll show you real music, babe." The music stops playing, and I plug in my ear buds into my phone, giving the right one to myself, and the left one to Harry. He takes my phone, and starts to look for, probably the total shit he calls music. Some melody starts to play, and I look at him confused, "Just listen."

"What song is it?" I ask, turning to face him.

"Green Day, Good Riddance." He replies, and I like the beginning acoustic guitar solo.  "This song basically means 'fuck you, have a nice life.' Do you like it so far?" I nod approvingly, mentally noting to find more of Green Day's music, because if it's anything like this, I have found my new band obsession. "Your turn." I take the phone and try and find a song out of my (mostly) illegally downloaded one.

"This one," I mutter, tapping Carry On, by Fun. "It's a Fun song."

"It doesn't sound fun, it's slowish."

"No,the band, dipshit."

"Oh." He laughs, and starts to bop his head along to the song, "Not bad." I take my phone, and play Alone Together by Fall Out Boy, "What the actual fuck is this? The guy can't even sing."

"Somebody is going to die today, and it's not going to be me." I smirk, but he doesn't even flinch. "Fine, I'll change it." I groan, and change it to Stay, Stay, Stay and he groans again.

"We've already listened to this!"

"You can play two songs, when it's finished —er, three." He mumbles a reply I don't really hear as we listen to the chorus. "You took the time to memorize me . .." The phone sings, and he nods.

"I did."

"My fears, my hopes and my dreams . . ." He nods again.

"You're afraid of spiders, you hope to become a choreographer when you grow up, and you dream to,I actually don't know that about you." He looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

"My dream is to be okay." I sigh, and he gives a small 'hm.'  "That's all I want, to be okay. I don't have to be rich, although I'd like to, I don't have to be famous, all I want is to be okay."

"Why okay, not happy?"

"Because sometimes, you need shit in your life to make it exciting." I say, and he laughs. "Come on, without shit in your life, you would've never met me!" He rolls his eyes and takes my phone, trying to find a song to play. As the piano intro plays, I identify the song as Stay With Me. "Why do you smoke cigarettes?" I ask softly, tracing the tattoos on his arm.

"It keeps me calm, but I've reduced it. Only one a day now, I used to smoke like three a day."

"You were addicted?"


"Cigarettes didn't faze me, cuts didn't scare me, drugs didn't scare me, but god," I laugh, "I went an hour without you and I finally realized what addiction was like."

"At least we know that we're addicted to each other."

"I don't know why I can tell you I love you so easily. I have philophobia, and I don't know if I could ever get rid of it."

"Maybe it's because you trust me."


"Hey, I have to go to bed, " he gets up from my bed and stands at my doorway , "We have the dress shopping tomorrow, which is probably going to involve tears, and I must brace myself. Goodnight, Pandora." He waves, and walks out of my room, and I can't help myself, but to smile.


Third Person's P.O.V

          He wanted to say 'I love you.'

But he kept it to 'goodnight'.

Because love will mean some falling.

And the fear he forgot to mention, is Pandora is afraid of heights.



so I'm as tired as fuck, and supposed to be studying, but you know.

I have started a brand new fic, it's the Alexandra one, so yeah. I'm so excited for it, and it's going to be shorter than my other fics.

Byeeee my lovelies!

Ash x

Perfection» h.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon