forty seven.

200 13 7

Another3 months later..


"Hello? Hi Gemma! How's the pregnancy? Four months along, so first trimester, right?" I fake smile, even though she can't see me. The plan had been all set, we know how to easily hurt Jenna, it was a beautiful plan. "Amazing, what have I missed? I've heard Pandora and Harry have been going on quite a few dates."

"You heard right."

"Are they dating now?"

"Yes, why?" I smirk happily, the plan was going to work. "They said it a few months ago."

Even better.

"Well I think we should have a little celebration for them. I haven't seen them, all of them in such a while, it would be nice. Maybe we could go to that little club on the east side of town, Ulna's, I reckon."

"That sounds nice except I can't go, you know, baby on board. " She chuckles, "But I'll tell the rest, when would you like to go?"

"Would tonight be alright? I have a friend flying in ,and I'd also like her to come as well," The friend also known as my dear sister.

"I'll check with you in a few hours on that, bye. It was nice talking to you, Tori."


               A few hours later, I'm pacing around the room and my sister is sitting down on my couch, crossing her legs. "Stop pacing around, you're causing a draft." She grunts, and I roll my eyes. She was irrelevant, I was an angel and she is just a mere human, but yet she's older. "Seriously, stop it Tori."

"No thank you, Valerie." I turn to face her, "You are very aware of the plan, correct?"

"Crystal, baby sis. We're killing two birds with one stone, Pandora with, you know, and Jenna with hurting her best friend, therefore hurting her, I like the way you think, V." She calls me by her childhood nickname for me, since my full name is Victoria.

"I learned from the best, didn't I?" I sit down next to her, and she takes a sip of her red wine.

"'Course you did," She mumbles, smirking once again.  "So, everyone has agreed to go tonight?"

"Yeah, we should leave in about three hours."

"Now I'm going to go get dressed, remember, I need to be dressed to kill."

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