Ch. 12: Color is Our Friend

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There are a lot of modes of transportation that people can use to travel all over Shin-Majima. The newly-adopted Lightspeed Express Railway train being one of them.

Boasting faster travel speeds than the old Shinkansen railway train, Lightspeed Express, or "Raisupi" as it is colloquially known, is a hit toward passengers who are seeking a quick way to travel. Since its inception in 2029, Lightspeed Express has been accepting millions of passengers per day.

-Train to Shin-Majima 2:07 PM-

Today seems to be no different, as the Lightspeed Express train to Shin-Majima is jam-packed with passengers from different walks of life, each of them having their own reasons to travel.

One of the passengers, a teenage girl who was carrying a duffel bag and a canvas for painting, looks over the window, smiling to herself as she seems to be deep in her thoughts.

"Looks like not a lot has changed since I last came here in Shin-Majima." The girl though. "It's still such a wonderful, beautiful town."

While looking at the window, she noticed a pair of ¥100 coins rolling toward her direction. She picks up the coins and saw that it came from a man who had dropped his coin purse. She then walks over to the man to hand the coins over to him.

"Oh, thank you, umm..." Said the man.

"My name's Iro Harada." The girl replied, with a warm smile on her face. "Nice to meet you!"

-Kouya's Shed 2:21 PM-

"Ehh? Iro-san is staying with us?" Said Kouya

Meanwhile, Kouya was in the shed, talking with Osamu about the arrival of a certain special guest. Kouya still had a sling on his arm, due to the injury he had suffered at the hands of Denji Akashi just days prior.

"Indeed. My dearest granddaughter Iro told me that she wanted to stop by and check on what's happened here in Shin-Majima recently." Said Osamu. "She might arrive... maybe around this afternoon. Oh, she also told me that she has a little surprise for us."

"You sure she can stay with us?" Kouya replied. "I mean, not to be rude or anything but... our place is a mess."

"Hmm... now that I think about it... maybe this place won't be ideal for her" Said Osamu. "Ah, well. It's probably just for a few days. She's a busy kid, after all. What with her interests and all..."

"Either way, I'm sure she'll be okay with it." Osamu continued. "After a-"

At that point, Kouya and Osamu heard a couple of knocks at the door. Kouya opens the door, and was greeted by a girl who appears to be in her late teens, perhaps around age 18 or so. She had mauve dyed hair tied to a spiky ponytail, and wore a lavender t-shirt with paint splatters all over, tied below her breasts to bare her midriff, a pair of blue jeans and turquoise sneakers. She was none other that Iro Harada, Osamu's granddaughter and Kouya's foster cousin.

"Who's there?" Said Kouya.

"Huh? Oh! Kou-chan!! Ahaha!" Iro replied. "Long time no see!" 

The first thing that Iro did upon entering the shed was to hug Kouya. Her soft, rather plump breasts rubbed across his chest, causing him to blush.

"I-Iro-chan... I...!" Said Kouya, mildly embarrassed. " My arm... m-marshmallows...!"

"Ehh? Marshmallows? Where?" Iro replied, as she lets go.

"Oh, uhh... n-nothing." Said Kouya.

"Whoa... Kou-chan, what happened to your arm?" Iro replied.

"Well... it's a long story." Said Kouya.

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