Meet the Parents

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Zayn's POV

"Too formal." Louis said as I took out the seventh shirt from my closet. I didn't know how he would classify a t-shirt as something formal, but I just decided to go with what he wants.

He's an expert at meeting parents, which is why I listen to him. He's my bestfriend, after all.

"This one?" I asked as I showed him the eighth one.

He shook his head.

"You know what? Move." He said as he moved to my closet and pulled out a hanger with a black button-down.

"But this is the first one I picked and you said it wasn't proper enough!" I told him.

"I said that it wasn't, but now it is."

"You really piss me off sometimes." I said as I lightly punched him in his arm.

"Hey hey, no need to be violent, I'm helping you out!"

I removed my shirt and put on what he picked out for me. I buttoned it down and looked into the mirror.

Louis moved closer and rolled the sleeves up for me.

"Sometimes I forget about your sexual orientation." I told him.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't do this to Harry in public without being criticized by people, so..."

"Have you gotten used to it, though?"

"You never really get used to it, you know? You shouldn't have to get used to not loving the person you love in public just because society says so. If only the world would be more open to people like us, maybe I could kiss him all the time and tell him how much I love him without being judged." He said as he finished rolling my sleeves up.

"Don't you guys ever think about telling people? Yknow, just letting it out?" I asked him. It was a stupid question and I already know the answer to it, but still, I was hoping he would answer differently.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, not now, not in the near future. We have people hanging off our backs and we have expectations to live up to. When the proper time comes, and I'm pretty sure by that time comes, we'd still be in love with each other, then I'll make sure you'll be there to witness the best time of my life." He tells me as he tosses me my keys.

I tossed it back to him.

"What, you're making me drive?" He asked.

"The car's yours for now, I'm taking another one. Drive somewhere far and do couple stuff with your boyfriend. Just don't...have sex in the back seat."

"Then front seat it is."

I shot him a warning look.

"Okay, fine, but I can't promise you anything. We haven't had one since we--"

"I don't want to hear about it." I told him as I walked to the bedside table and picked up the key to my Lamborghini.

"Oh no, I wouldn't pick that one." He moved to the table to pick up a key chain and handed me the key to my classic Audi.

"Goodluck." He patted my back and I nodded.

"Oh, and Zayn? Bought two bouquets of roses. The red one's for her mom. The white one's for her. They're on the living room table." He said.

"Really, what would you do without me?" He said, praising himself as I went our my room.

I walked to the living room to get the flowers and then went down to the parking lot and entered the car and put both bouquets on the passenger seat. I fixed my hair for the last time before driving to Constance's house.

Switched | Zayn Malik AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin