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I woke up grateful that we're halfway through the week. For the past three days I've been hanging out with Harry every after school. Last night we watched a movie called What If. I didn't think he would want to watch it with me, but he did. I didn't get enough sleep because I couldn't forget the way his hands felt in mine. Sure, he was still looking at other girls, but I felt like he was mine because only I could hold his hand.

I drove to school and I was running on two hours of sleep. It's not like I hated school, it's just that I hate Mondays so much that it makes me hate everything I see, especially those pretentious, phony bitches.

Luckily, my first subject was Biology. I love science and science loves me back.

I was looking out the window and we were waiting for the teacher when the whole room went silent. I turned around and saw Louis and Zayn entering the room. Everyone was looking at them. They were all whispering, probably because Zayn looked different. His facial hair was gone and he was wearing a red sweater. His hair was also up in a quiff with a blonde streak in the middle, which was very different from his old hair style. He looked hot, but I wouldn't say that out loud.

The boys walked to the back of the room and sat down. I tried not to stare at Zayn and focused on Louis instead. His eyes met mine and he waved and smiled at me and I did the same to him. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and I felt my phone vibrate.

"You okay?" He texted.

I just shrugged, it's not like he was going to understand anyway.

A man who looked much younger than our teacher entered and announced that Mrs. Lowry was going to be out for the entire week but she left us with films to watch and lots of paperwork to accomplish. The room turned into complete chaos. Maybe the boys have to walk in again to regain peace and order.

The "substitute teacher" didn't look very interested in what he was tasked to do. In fact, as soon as the documentary was set up and played, he just left the room and after about fifteen minutes, he still didn't come back.

I can hear girls whispering about how hot and clean-cut Zayn was. I couldn't concentrate on the film because they were too loud. Some girls were playing dumb and were asking the boys about Ecology.

I really hate it when girls do that.

"Don't you wanna hang out with me? I mean I'm the perfect Barbie Doll." A girl said in a high-pitched, annoying voice.

"Oh is your brain sold separately?" Louis replied.

I swear Louis Tomlinson's the sassiest person I know.

Halfway through the film and I'm already bored. I carefully rose from my seat, trying not to draw attention to me. Not that anyone would notice, no one's even watching the documentary anymore. I walked out of the room with no delay. I crawled out of the school, careful not to be seen by teachers from the door windows. We had people guarding the hallways but they didn't care about me sneaking out of my class. That, or they think I'm one of Zayn's friends and  they're as scared of me as they are of him.

I walked to the parking lot and leaned against my car. I don't want to drive away because I wouldn't know where to go. I decided I should just stay here until I make a decision.

"You do know that you're not supposed to be sneaking out of class, right?" I turned around and saw Zayn walking towards me.

I just stared at him. He looks so different, it almost felt like I was talking to a different person.

"This is going to be a strange question, but are you.... Zayn?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Yes, I am. Now, why did you sneak out of class? You know you can always ask for permission, right? You can do that in Mrs. Lowry's class."

"I don't know, I just wanted to... run away. Sometimes I just feel like thinking. I just want to relax and not feel forced to absorb everything that's happening around me," I reasoned out. "How 'bout you, what's your excuse?"

"Well, I told the substitute that you were sick and that I was gonna check up on you and that we both will be skipping class the entire day because you might be needing someone to take care of you. Just some lame excuse to not go to class. It worked." He smirks.

Honestly, I was shocked when he said that. Not because of his sense of rebellion but because I never thought he would ever do that for someone, not even for Louis. I mean, he could always walk out and not say a word to anyone. That's how powerful he was.

"No, I meant your excuse for your behavior last Sunday."

"Oh. Um, I just realized that... I have been making the wrong decisions lately."

Wrong decisions? Does this mean that he thinks that the kiss was a mistake? That staying with me in the festival was a mistake? That being friends with me was a mistake?

Maybe he was referring to the fact that he decided to keep smoking. He calls that a "mistake"?

I didn't know why I was mad, but it felt like my heart was going to explode, call me frantic, but really, I don't think anyone would want to be referred to as a "mistake".

"You know what? You're right. Maybe this is a mistake after all. Why don't you just go back to Perrie and not go near another mistake like me anymore?" I said as I entered the car. I left my door open because I was hoping he would take back what he said about me.

"Holy shit," he says as he pulls out his cellphone from his pocket. "Perrie. I almost forgot. I have to go. I'm sorry." and then he left me. I sat there and watched him walk away from my car and back into the school.

I get it, I'm not supposed to be getting mad at him because I have Harry and he's dating Perrie. I wouldn't call myself "jealous", it's just that he has given me so much attention and then the next thing I know, he was taking it away, leaving me with nothing.

I drove away from the school and reached home in less than 10 minutes. I don't know why I was so exhausted. I texted Harry saying that I'm not in the condition to go out so he just came over after class.

I was glad I had Harry. At least someone could distract me from all of the madness. He was my giant ball of positivity. He's like a baby, pretty much like a baby Tarzan.

"I bought you ice cream. I figured you would want this, since you're not in the mood for anything. I'm sorry, even after years of living with a sister, I still don't get how PMS works." He says, embarrassed.

I know he doesn't understand. But I'm not really expecting him to. At least he's trying, I think it's so sweet and thoughtful. Also, he's adorable. He's almost perfect. How on earth do you find someone like him?

We sat down on the couch and we watched Palo Alto. I've always wanted to watch that movie and I was actually very shocked when he chose it among all of the guy movies from my stepdad's collection.

I spent the night watching the movie while lying on Harry's lap. He kept playing with my hair while I was feeding him popcorn. I was also tossing some at him, and he was doing the same to me. As soon as the movie was finished, I felt sleepy.

When Harry left, I went up to my room to write on my journal. I played my new sleep playlist while changing into my sleepwear and went straight to bed.

The next day I woke up and did my usual routine. Before inhaling, I realized that I wasn't sitting on my bed, I was sitting on grass.

God, don't tell me I'm stuck in another person's body again.

I opened my eyes and felt my body.

Oh no.

I was back inside Zayn's body.

Hi guys!!!! I'm taking this opportunity to thank every single one of you who's ever read one or more chapters of this story, especially those who stayed up until this chapter and those who will be staying until it ends ;) I might be doing some minimal changes to my writing style, but I'll be doing it so you guys wouldn't have a hard time reading the story :)

Please comment/vote/share!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!

Switched | Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now