Pillow fight

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Zayn's POV

"Here, put this on." Louis said as soon as I woke up. He throw something that felt like pajamas at me.

"What the fuck, man?" I asked while throwing it back to him.

"Wear 'em. You can thank me later." He threw them back before leaving my room.

I figured it was pajama day, so I put it on after taking a bath. To be honest, I've always hated pajama day. I mean, what's the point of going to school in your pajamas when you aren't even allowed to sleep?

I went down to the dining room after getting dressed. I was wearing a pajama with a tree on it. That's it. Just a tree. I sat down beside Louis who had a mouthful of waffles.

"Eat fast. Truck's waiting outside." He struggled to say.

"Truck? What truck?" I asked and then he swallowed.

"The truck that contains the throne."

"Quit the bullshit, Lou. Why would you hire a truck?!"

"Language!" Mim shouted from the kitchen.

"Sorry! Anyway, what's it for? The truck?"

"I bought a custom-made double king-size bed for the team because we're gonna win the annual hallway pillow fight." He replied.

Actually, there's no official "annual hallway pillow fight", but it just kind of became a tradition for everyone in the school to bring pillows during pajama day and somehow manage to have a pillow fight in the hallways. It's just that Louis takes homecoming week seriously. But he never wanted to be homecoming king. I don't know why, he just doesn't.

As soon as we got to school, the whole soccer team gathered around the bed. It has wheels under, so the guys that Louis hired could just push it until we reach the main entrance. They all sat down on it while I refused to. I decided to just walk inside because I thought riding the bed was a lame idea.

Once we got inside, Louis shouted "Pillow fight!!!" and then everyone started hitting each other with their pillows. I stood at the far side of the hall, trying to avoid as much feathers as I can. If there was one thing my pillow was good at, it was protecting me.

And then through the chaos, through all the feathers and cloth, I saw her at the opposite side. Constance.

She looked so amused at the pillow fight, like it was her first time. She ran into the crowd and started joining everyone. I knew I had to get to her so I pretended to join, too. I walked down the hallway and found her in the middle. I pulled her out of the crowd and noticed that we were wearing matching pajamas.

"Where'd you get this?" I asked.

"Louis sent them to me this morning."

"You do realize that--"

"We're matching, I know."

She held my arm and moved me to her left and then stared down at what we were both wearing. A giraffe, eating an apple from an apple tree.

We laughed what we were wearing and watched everyone fight to the death with their pillows. I was never really a fan of matching clothes, not until I met her. At long as she was the other half of what I was wearing, no matter how stupid it might have looked like, it was okay.

In the end, Louis declared the soccer team as winners although no one would really attempt to hit us. They all sat on the bed with their own robes, which Louis also bought, and then waved at everyone. I was still with Constance, watching them from the far side.

"He bought the bed?" Constance asked and I nodded.

"And the robes?" I nodded once again.

"You should really think about your life decisions, Malik. Some bestfriend you got there." She told me.

"Hey, my bestfriend bought us matching outfits, I think I'll be keeping him for a long time." I answered which made her smile. Now that's why I go to school.

Stacy's POV

After the pillow fight, the bell rung which means we had to rush to our classrooms for our first class. The hallways were messy, but Zayn told me that Louis would always hire someone who would clean them so the school wouldn't complain about the "students' mess and misbehavior".

When Ms. Parker entered the classroom, the room fell silent. She was with a girl who looked very familiar. She was very much like Perrie, the clothes, the hair, but the face was different.

Everyone started whispering to each other, loud enough for everyone to hear, but I couldn't understand a single thing they were saying. I looked at Zayn for an answer but the next thing I know, he was walking out from the room and the teacher didn't seem to mind.

"Students, please settle down. I know you all are shocked, but yes, it's true. She's back, you all know her." Ms. Parker explained.

And then it hit me. The girl who's in front of me right now. The only person who's gotten a chance to hold Zayn's heart, only to break it and leave like she has done no damage to it.

"Welcome back, Ms. Amanda Edwards."


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Switched | Zayn Malik AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora