Tenerife Sea

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Constance's POV

"So, where are we going?" I asked Zayn.


"So you're not telling me?"

"Nnnope." He said, popping the P.

"Zayn Malik if you're not gonna tell me where we're going I'm going to step out of this car and tell everyone you kidnapped me."

"Oh no you wouldn't wanna do that."

"Try me."

"Well, if you insist...."

He stopped the car and I got out, not really knowing what to do.

"Go ahead. Tell 'em." He said while pointing at three girls who were walking down the street.

I walked up to them, leaving Zayn's car behind. I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "Hey, do you know... where the nearest---"

"Hey, ladies. I'm sorry um, my girlfriend just wants to go to a party and uh, do you know a place we could crash?" Zayn said while he was still in the car.

The girls twirled their hair and it was obvious that they were trying to seduce Zayn. Even if there was no daylight, I could still see that they're blushing.

"Yeah, there's actually a party about six blocks from here. It's an open party, so no need to crash." One girl said while fluttering her eyelashes.

"Actually we're on our way there..." The other girl said.

"You know what, why don't you just ride with us?" Zayn offered.

"Really?" The girls said in unison while I got back into the car.

"Yeah, I mean, it's fine, right Babe?" He asks me and I nodded.

While the girls are making their way to the back seat, Zayn stepped on the gas, leaving the girls behind.

He fixed his rear-view mirror and winked at the girls.

"Why did you do that? That's rude!"

"They were flirting with me and they KNEW I have a girlfriend. THAT's rude." He said.

"Still, you shouldn't have done that."

"You shouldn't have gone out from the car in the first place."

"Well you should have just told me where we're going."

"You wanna know where? Here we are." He turns left and stops the car in front of a huge house. There were many people, but it didn't look like a party. It looked more like a gathering. No one was drunk yet, and people were just chatting and laughing and dancing and still sober.

We got down from the car and walked through the crowd. People were saying hi to Zayn. Some were people from school. I was so scared of being seen with Zayn because he had just broken up with Perrie and judging by his latest video, he still loves her.

"You know, if we were in a fanfic, I would've expected you to bring me to a bar or up a mountain or down the riverside or to a restaurant with fancy music."

"Yknow even though we were in a fanfic, I wouldn't that." Zayn said as he opened the door to the house.

"Are you sure we're supposed to be doing this? What if the owner finds out about us crashing the party?"

"He can't do anything about it anymore. And trust me, he already knows." Zayn smiled.

"Well, you can't just walk in someone's house as if you own the place! And going up the stairs? Are you crazy?" He was holding my hand so he was kind of dragging me into trouble.

Switched | Zayn Malik AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora