The Prince

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Constance's POV

"Stacy? What are you doing here? And who is he?" Harry said while pointing at Niall.

"Um, I, we watched a movie and I just saw you and...."

The girl he was with turned around and I realized that she had a familiar face.

She looked a lot like Harry.

She approached us and I realized that she was Gemma, Harry's sister. Why does she have to change hair styles everytime?

Living up to the surname, I see?

"Hi, Stacy! I'm glad I finally met you! I'm Gemma, Harry's younger sister." She said while laughing. She looked at Harry, as if waiting for him to joke back, but Harry was still staring at me and Niall, still speechless.

"Hi, I'm Niall." Niall said beside me while holding out his hand to them, freeing mine.

"Hi. I'm Harry. I'm Stacy's.. boyfriend. I guess." It was obvious that he was just trying to compose himself. I find it cute that he's jealous of Niall.

"Yes, he is." I said while taking his hand.

"Awh, you guys look adorable together!" Gemma said while smiling at us.

"Thank you! Um, guys, Niall's my stepbrother and he's visiting from San Francisco. He's Irish."

"I didn't know you had a stepbrother? I thought you only had one brother?" Harry said, looking confused, but somehow relieved from what I just said.

"I used to, but then I had one more. He's a pain in the ass, really. One massive ball of energy."

"Well, I cannot tell you how relieved I was when you told me that he was a stepbrother. I don't know what I'll be able to do if I found out that he was something else." He said while putting his arms around me.

"And if I wouldn't have recognized Gemma, I might have been jealous, too!"

"Wait, what? You've seen her before? Why haven't you told me?"

"At Milkshake Planet when she dropped you off. At first I thought she was your girlfriend, bit when Irene mentioned her, I was relieved."

"Well anyway, since you already watched a movie, why don't we just--"

"Let's eat! I'm starving." Niall interrupted.

Harry picked up Gemma's shopping bags and I saw that he was trying to hold everything in one hand just so he could hold my hand, but there were too many bags, so Niall had to help him.

I never thought hanging out with people who are so different from each other could be so fun. They were all so interesting, unlike  people in my school.

Harry told me about how he got sent to the principal's office because he beat up Gavin. He wasn't the type of person who would beat someone up, he's a harmless person. But he said Gavin deserved it and I believed him. He wasn't the type of person who would just do stupid things without a valid reason.

It was 4 pm when we finished eating. Gemma said she had to go home to pack for a photoshoot in San Francisco so they left early so I was left with Niall.

When the Styles siblings left, Niall was going through my camera roll when he saw a candid picture of Georgie from last year. He was asking lots of questions about her which gave me an idea of setting them up.

But I realized that a relationship was going to be hard for them since they're far apart from each other. They would both be hurt.

After eating, we walked around the mall and went to a toy store. We bought a couple of toys for Niall because, well, he's Niall.

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