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Stacy's POV

A few minutes after Zayn has finished telling his story, I checked my phone and noticed that my mom has called me 11 times.

Oh My Gosh, she's gonna kill me.

I sat up and practiced what I was supposed to say before calling her.

"Relax, just tell her that you won't be able to make it home tonight because Georgie's having some kind of dilemma or something. Tell her you'll be fine." Zayn said as he looked at what I was panicking about.

I decided to call my mom instead. If I don't, she's gonna think I'm hiding something and she's gonna be more furious so I hit the call button and luckily, she picked up soon enough.

"Stace! I've been calling you non-stop and you weren't picking up! Where are you?" She said as I put her on loudspeaker so Zayn can hear.

"Mom, I'm somewhere near Disneyland with my friends and I don't think I'll be able to make it home tonight." I said, anxious of what she was going to say. I knew she was going to be stricter with her policies, but what shocked me was her answer.

"I was calling to ask you if you can stay at Georgie's for the night because we're planning a surprise for you! Just let me know tomorrow morning if you're on your way so we can prepare! We are heading back home from the airport now, stay safe!" She said. It was a huge relief for me because at least I was spared from another lecture about teenage pregnancy.

We said our goodbyes before hanging up.

"So... Georgie's not in California. Which means, you'll be staying in my place." Zayn suggested while sitting up.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Actually, you do have a choice. Your room or my room?" He said with a proud smile.

"You disgust me, Malik."

"Oh come on, don't tell me you still don't want me..."

I didn't answer which made him smile even bigger. I didn't wanna tell him, at least not this way.

"Thought so. You don't have to say it, I already know. I was right. You want me." He said, his smile getting even brighter. His face was behind me and we were both sitting down but I can feel his breath at the back of my neck which made me shiver.

"I want to know how nervous you are," he said, moving closer and closer to my neck. "when I'm this close to you."

As soon as he said that, I tilted my head so he was less than and inch away from my neck. I closed my eyes and waited for him to make a move. I wanted him. It almost felt like I was craving for him, like I was going to go crazy if I don't get to have him. My breathing was fast and irregular, and so was my heartbeat.

I felt him move a bit to the spot in front of me. I opened my eyes and realized that he was sitting in front of me, staring, smiling.

"What?" I asked while biting my lips.

"You don't know how badly I want to kiss you right now," He said while looking at me, and then down to my lips.

I licked my lower lip which made him bite his own.

And then he leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back. I slowly slid my hand inside his shirt and felt his chest. I could feel his beartbeat and somehow it coincides with mine.

He knelt up, pulling me up with him. I run my fingers through his hair and felt that the kiss was getting deeper. I bit his lower lip which made him moan. I was just about to remove his shirt when--

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