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Stacy's POV

After English class, I went to get lunch. I wished that Georgie was here so I could at least talk to someone. I sat alone in the far end of the cafeteria and Louis went over to my table.

"Hey," he said. "I figured you already--"

"She's Mandy, isn't she? Amanda? She's Zayn's ex-girlfriend?" I asked him although I already knew the answer. I wanted confirmation. I wanted to know if she really was that girl.

Louis nodded.

I felt a little sting in my heart. I didn't know why, but I did. Was it jealousy? I mean, I know I like Zayn, but not as much as he used to like Amanda.

It just sucks that she's so perfect and he's so perfect and they're both so perfect and I bet they look so perfect together. It's like they were an explosion of perfect.

I felt like a potato underground while she's French fries.

"Where is he?" I asked Louis.


"The janitor. Where is he?" I said sarcastically.

"Probably cleaning somewhere or in the janitor's closet. Why do you need him anyway?" He answered.

"That was sarcastic, idiot." I said while playfully hitting him on the head.

"Hey, it's not my fault you fail at being sarcastic! And stop, you're messing up my hair!" He said as he ran his fingers through it.

"So where is he, really?"

"If you're talking about Zayn, he's probably up the treehouse right now. Or the penthouse. Depends on how far he can drive before he loses it," He replied. "But don't follow him, just let him think for a while."

So I did. I didn't even text him. I mean, we were nothing, right? We don't have a romantic relationship, we're just friends. I'm not bothered by what's happening right now, I don't even think about it. It's nothing, really. I'm not even jealous or anything, just curious.

What is wrong with me?!

"Hi!" An unfamiliar voice said from behind me which almost made me jump.

I turned around and saw Amanda holding her hand out to me so I did the same and shook hands with her.

"I'm Amanda. You're Stacy, right?" She told me.

I nodded.

"I've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you! She said, leaning in for a hug so I did the same.

Wait, what? She knows me?! She's heard so much about me?!

"Amanda! Hey, come here! I want to introduce you to my new friends!" Perrie said from afar. I figured they were sisters by their looks. It was obvious. And Amanda was also an Edwards, dead giveaway.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" She said as she ran towards Perrie. Although they look so much alike, Amanda was different. The good kind.

When I "made friends" with Perrie, it was obvious that she only wanted to be my friend because of the clothes I (or in that time, Zayn) wore. But with Amanda, I can see and feel that it was genuine.

After all of my classes, Louis drove me home.

"Sort it out with him." He said while I was opening the door.

I have him a confused look and then he gestured for me to look outside the car. I saw that Zayn was on the sidewalk, looking down on his phone. I gave him a quick hug and then went out of the car.

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