"Oh hello ! Aunty, I am really glad to see you so healthy" and she went and sat beside my mum

"Oh beta! If it weren't for you, I would never have lived"

" Never say like that aunty , it all gods grace" she said

"And this is my son Sameer beta" my mom introduced me

"Nice to meet you " she mumbled looking at me with a smile,that one could die for.

"The pleasure is my, I should to really in debted to you for saving my mom's life" I said

" Oh no need of all that"

" Umm...sarita ji, I don't know ,how to pay you back" my mom spoke

" You don't have to latha ji" her mom said

"No I don't know if this right or not,I mean I don't think it's really good to just payback the money, life is worth more than that ,and I can't just pay a number to her humanity towards a stranger ,I have been thinking about it all these months, and then I thought, no one can be a better daughter to my house than your daughter" before my mom could complete, I was shocked at my mother's decision, but who am I to say no ,to her, besides I am liking this girl.

She spoke," aunty ! You want to adopt mee"

We laughed at that and her mom  clarified with a smile
"They want to make you their daughter in law" and then the realisation hit her hard.

" I can't search for a better daughter-in-law, please, if you can give your daughters hand Into marriage ,with my only son Sameer, I promise to look after your daughter as my own,sorry if I am being to staright, you can say no, but please think about it" my mom finished

"Umm...latha ji, I am happy with anything my daughter is happy with" her mother spoke..

My mother turned towards ammu

"So...ammu ,what do you think? I know I am been to staright forward, and don't worry about the costs of marriage , everything is on us sarita ji, we will be happy to just get your daughter ,nothing more than that, what do you say samy"

" Yes , aunty ji, we will be happy to just have her as a part of our family Nothing more than that, I can understand it is weird for some random people to show up at your house and directly ask for your daughter's hand, but we really want her to be a part of our house, just not because she saved my mom, but because of her humanity to save a stranger" I finished looking at her mother.

" Umm..beta I really appreciate your family , for finding our address and coming back to pay us back ,I can understand how humble you guys are from this, I don't mind my daughter marring you beta" sarita aunty answered looking at her daughter.

" Umm...if mom is ok with this ,I am ok with this too" she told ,shocking me, she didn't even question what I do and all.

" Ok then beta, let's celebrate this union with some sweets, next Sunday Sam will come and pick you up ,his father will be back from Italy, please visit our home and decide dates." My mom said handing sweets over sarita aunty

All the while I was looking at her and praying that she would look at me,but she never did.

"Ok ma, I will go pick up varsha from college she said and ran outside"

" Don't mind her latha ji ,she is shy " sarita aunty answered

"And sarita ji, my son is the CEO of Aditya groups ,I have forgotten to tell you about his occupation ,my apologises "

"Aditya groups, I am sorry ji, but I don't think I can give my daughters hand, I mean you are too rich, I mean that's were my daughter work" her mom shuttered tensed up.

" Clam down ji, as I said this all god's play, I would have never found a perfect bride like ammu for my son, you are daughter is a gem ,one of a kind which can never be bought with money ,her humanity can be payed back, and we don't want to miss an  opportunity of having an amazing women part of our family, I promise to take care of her as my own daughter and I swear I will kick my son , if he says anything against her, I have never had daughters, please accept this proposal" my mom plead

"Ok ji, I believe in" aunty spoke

"Aunty please don't tell her about my occupation yet, I really want to surprise her at the office, please I just want to look at her surprised face nothing more" I requested aunty

" Oke beta, and you can call me mom, you are just like my son" as sarita ma told.

" So now , that you got a son ,you don't want us ma?!" We looked at the entrance ,were another cute little girl walked inside along with my shy bride

"Varshaaa!! Is this how you speak to your sisters in-laws , and Sameer beta, latha ji, she is my second daughter varsha , she is pursuing her degree in fashion"

"Varsha, nice to meet you beta" my mom told

" It's a pleasure to meet you too aunty" she said

" Hi varsha "

" Hello Mr ,and you come with me I want to interview you , before I give my innocent sister to you " she said with a stren look at me

" Varshaaa!!!" Her mom and my bride shouted at her

" It's oke sarita ma, I understand her concern, how can she agree to get her sister married to a stranger, she can interview me" I said getting up.

And my mother agreed to varshas concern,I walked behind that little sister in law of mine to the garden of the house.

" I know you are Sameer Aditya , I have seen your photos on the cover page of Forbes and on the way back home I figured my sister knows nothing about you"

" Yes, I am Sameer Aditya, your sister never asked about my occupation, but your mother knows" I answered.
" How many girlfriends have you had before??" She questioned

" None, but to be honest , I had  few crushes here and there but I never approached them, at some point I thought people only loved me for my money, and I was too engrossed building my father's empire, to think about girls" I answered honestly

" What do you think about my sister?"

" Well all these months I was been thinking about how can a person be so selfless and spend all her money,but when I met her ,I thought she would recognise me ,but then I understood she was to naive, and I just have this urge to protect her from this world" I

" You are whipped, ammu, well i accept jiju" she shouted hugging me

"And saali ji, please don't tell your sister about my occupation ,I really want to surprise her at office" I whispered and she agreed

Varsha was very friendly , we talked about her studies ,she was just 18 and she was so mature.

We went back into the house and my ammu served us with some tea, my mom asked about her hobbies and she told that she loves to cook and read books, all this while I wanted to talk to her but she wasn't even looking at me.


Oh my poor Sam, you will have to work soo hard to talk to ammu

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