Chapter 2

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Chapter Two ^^

picture of alex on the side (:

plus some Logan Lerman hotness *dreamy face* ♥



 *Liam's POV*

"Dude, I told you that the heat will take its toll on you." Alex said from where ever he was at the moment.

"What? Huh? Where am I?" I managed to mumble out. 

"You blacked out... well, passed out from the hot weather. And you are in your room. I decided to take you here." Alex said, getting up and grabbing some water that was on my desk. "Drink it." He ordered. I sat up and listened to Alex, drinking all of the water that was in the small cup. 

"Thanks." I replied to him after all of the precious water was gone. 

"No worries. Just don't pass out again on me, okay?" Alex asked me, taking the glass from my hand and putting it back on my desk. You see, that's the things with best friends. Alex and I have been best friends forever, he always knew what I was feeling or if something was wrong, and our parents didn't care when we went over, we didn't have to arrange it like most people. I could just walk right over tomorrow night or something, and his mother wouldn't care. She loves me just as much as she loves Alex, and my mum loves Alex.

"So. Let's get you up and active my friend. Fancy a game of fifa?" Alex asked and then chuckled to himself. 

"I thought you said up and active." I replied to him, throwing the covers off and getting out of my bed. 

"Well, technically it is." He said back to me whilst helping me clean my room up a bit. He opened the curtains while I made the bed, then he put all of the clothes of my floor into my dirty clothes basket. "Let's play." 

We were both neat freaks actually. It's funny how we know everything about each other, tell each other everything, but we never knew that we were actually neat freaks. So, whenever we are at each other's places, we usually clean. Weird yeah I know, but we are both two really weird dudes. Nothing wrong with that.

"I'm gonna beat you this time." I said to him, joining him on the end of my bed in front of the telly. 

"Mate, you never beat me. Ever. Don't even say things like that." He replied to me. It was sad because I knew it was true. I always lost at Fifa. If I played soccer outside? No problem, I'll beat you easy. But if I play soccer inside, then I will lose every match. As we played, Alex constantly yelling out things, my mind couldn't help but wonder to Niall. I wonder what he was doing right now on  this hot  Monday afternoon. 

*Niall's POV*

"Alright Niall, be safe." My mother said to me as I walked out the front door. All I said was that I was going for a walk. I didn't ask to go, I told her I was going. 

Why am I going for a walk alone on a hot Monday afternoon?

To clear my head from sick bay boy. He was all I was thinking about right now. His brown eyes and curly floppy hair. Why have I never seen this boy before in my life? Oh, that's right, I stick to myself a lot.  I don't see a lot of people.

I decided to walk to the park today, considering that it was hot and everyone will most likely be at home with their air conditioners on or in their pool playing 'tag'. To be honest, I'm not used to this kind of hot weather. I mean, it is lovely, so different from Ireland, but it's so hot and so unpredictable! I mean, yesterday it was raining and cold and yuck, and now, today it is 30 degrees and sunny. This weather's a bitch.

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