Chapter 26

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Keno pov

I know she remembers, she's trying to hide it from me. Does she forget I know her, I also know she's been mind linking her pack. I did that on purpose so they would come running into my trap. According to my calculations, they should be here in a few hours time. Then the fun can begin, I'll be able to kill her useless mate for a second time. Then she will see I'm the strong one, not him. I could protect her better than anybody. Not him!

Yes he might be a werewolf but I am still a hunter. I have all the brains and guts he does, I just don't have that disgusting mutation. Tonight under the full moon, I'm going to claim my wife so the moon goddess can see that she lost. Because even if I fail, I always have Valerio to fall back on. He will make sure what needs to be done, will get done.

I should go check on my love, I hate leaving her in that clearing. "Chester grab me the wolfsbane, we have to go visit your aunt Layla." Chester came bouncing from the woods, he loved going to see her.

"Can I hug her this time? I want to talk to her." I shook my head. "No buddy not yet, you will though. Soon I promise."

With that we took off for the clearing. When we got there I could tell she had really been sleeping. "Oh my sweet Layla if only you knew what was in store for you. You see your prophecy isn't the only one I have been told. Valerio has been holding another. You see in your prophecy I die, but in his I reign king." I stroked her hair away from her face. "And you my queen reign beside me, for all eternity in hell." I said before plunging the wolfsbane into her neck.

She awoke with a scream as the liquid burned its way down her neck, I could see it through her veins as they glowed red. "I'm sorry my love but I couldn't have you lying to me any longer. I know you remember, my soul could feel yours pulling to the surface. I also know you have been mind linking your pack, I did that on purpose. You see it would be harder to kill that mate of yours in a territory full of mutts. But here in this clearing, I could do it so easily."

I looked around and motioned for everyone to come out. From all around the trees people started to come out of hiding. There were easily a hundred people that I could see.

"You see, these are the people of the forgotten village. They want revenge for what you have cursed them with. They haven't been able to find love or comfort. Nobody accepts them, they are forced to live out in this run down village while your people prosper. The same mutts their ancestors had tried to rid this world from, live the lives they deserve."

I watched as she looked at me shocked. "You don't understand do you keno? Their fate is your fault. Your greedy wants over shadowed basic human need. We needed to be accepted, and yet you killed us for being different. Then you chastise me for the fate of your people. At least I didn't slaughter them while they slept, no I allowed them to live. I allowed the ones who's hearts were sorry for their ancestors mistakes to go on and live happy lives. The ones who remain here feel as though their ancestors did nothing wrong! I do not feel sorry for them, as they do not feel sorry for my people."

Before I knew what was happening she began to howl. What is she doing?

I smacked her across her face, stopping the howl that was ringing through my ears. "What's wrong with you."

She just smiled at me. "Nothings wrong with me now. My mother is with me."

"What does that mean? Your alone! I dropped your mother off to her useless mate over a week ago! Your utterly alone no one is here to save you!" I laughed, but the sound quickly faded as I took in the site in front of me.

Layla's green eyes began to glow, her hair was floating around her head, her body levitated a few inches above the ground leaving her feet limp. Her head pointed to the sky like she was staring at the stars. I could see her mouth moving like she was chanting something.

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