Final authors note

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Okay guys that's it for the forgotten. I know I'm so sad too! But it's okay because I'm already working on the second book in the series!! Yes that's right there is a second book 😍😍 keep an eye out for it !! Honestly I made this book a little shorter to see how it would do, so far I'm really happy with the outcome so expect a lot more in the second book. Who do you guys think Valerio is? What do you think the moon goddess wants with Rox? Do you think Rox or Layla is going to be the one to come back to the land of the living when all is said and done? Will Jaxx wait for her? To be continued in the next installment of the forgotten series. 😍😍  A short description is up for the second book, it is called 'The Fallen'. Go check it out, download, and I promise to have At least the first update by Tuesday. ❤️

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