Chapter 15: Lindsay

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We have been driving for what felt like forever, granted it's only been about 4 hours. "Are we almost there?" I whined again. I hate long car rides. Jaxx just laughed at my impatience. "We are half way there princess. Calm down." I groaned into my seat. "But babe it's been forever and I'm hungry and my ass hurts we have only stopped once and it wasn't for very long."

I am impatient when it comes to surprises, especially ones that are hours away. "We can stop for food, no problem. But we are almost half way there. What do you want to eat?" I contemplated it while I studied the sign we were passing with all the restaurants we were about to pass. "Denny's." I really wanted nachos. "Okay Denny's it is princess." He pulled off on the next exit and it wasn't long before we pulled into Denny's. I couldn't stop jumping. I love Denny's nachos so much! I almost reached for my door before Jaxx growled at me. I stopped and just settled with unbuckling myself since I couldn't open my door.

Jaxx came over rather quickly seeing how impatient and excited I was. He opened my door and I was out before it even finished. "Calm down princess people are going to think I starve you." I put his arm around my shoulder and guided me to the front door. As usual he opened that for me too. "Hurry up Jaxx I'm starving and I can smell my nachos already!" He looked at me and laughed. "Nachos? You came to Denny's for nachos? You know they are famous for there skillets right?" I looked at him with a look that said he just disrespected all of my ancestors. "Don't play Jaxx, don't disrespect the nacho game like that." We finally got to the host station, we quickly told the host we needed a booth and there would only be two of us.

"Right this way please." She took us to a booth in the back corner, it was quiet and secluded. "Your server will be Nate. He will be right with you, enjoy." She gave us a slight nod before placing our menus down and retreating back to the host station. A few moments later Nate walked up to our table.

He was a boy maybe 16. He was as tall as Jaxx but with red hair and green eyes. He was built like a mountain, this boy did not look like he should be a server. A body guard position would have suited him better.

Apparently Nate was studying me as well because Jaxx cleared his throat to get our attention. "Oh uh ya, my name is mate and I'll be your server. What can I get you to drink?" Jaxx spoke up first. Can I get a water please? Princess what would you like?" I looked up and smiled. "I would like a blackberry lemonade in one of the cupcake cups please." Both boys looked at me amused. "One cupcake cup coming right up." Nate laughed and walked away.

"Really Princess? A cupcake cup?" I held my hand up to stop him right there. "It's a process. Don't disrespect the cupcake cup." He just laughed and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss it. "So tell me more about you. What was it like growing up in the human world? Where did you live? What did you do?" I frowned a little, thinking of my past sometimes hurt.

"Well when my dad left I was 5, I didn't know it back then, but him and my mom were mates. After my dad left my mom was like a shell of who she use to be. She didn't pay attention to me, it was as if she forgot I existed." I stared down into my lap, suddenly I was filled with sadness. "The Gerber's moved into the house next door a few months later. They instantly took me in seeing as me and Boston got on so well. They took over raising me. When they came it's like my life changed for the better."

I smiled at the memories rushing through my head. "You know, before we moved me and Boston never caught each other. We were inseparable. For the last 10 years he's been my best friend. His parents would some how manage to juggle both of our schedules even though I wasn't their real kid. They would go to his football games, my soccer games, my theater performances, both of our parent teacher conferences, and anything else we had that came up." At that point Nate came back with our drinks and we ordered our food. "Tell me Princess, do you miss your mom?" I liked to pretend that I didn't. But deep down I miss having her around even though she never did nothing for me. "Ya, sometimes I do. I like to pretend she was a mom, and loved me they way she should have."

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