Piéce dè fucking Resistence

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I have other art but this........... this. It deserves a whole ass post to itself. I did it. I mother fucking did it. It took me over a year of sketches, full blown drawings, character design analyses based on character traits both in personality and physical attributes, and literally just sitting and sorting out my mental image. I did it. I am exceedingly proud of this piece and how it turned out. Now, without further ado:

Sorry it's super grainy it's really tiny actually

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Sorry it's super grainy it's really tiny actually. To give you an idea, the thick outlines are literally about a pixel thick.
I draw tiny. That's what happens when 90% of your practice occurs in the margins of your notes and homework and classwork.

I bet y'all can fucking guess who it is. Only the subject of an unhealthy portion of my art.

I draw no lower on shirtless subjects because I'm not about that life.

It was actually kind of a bitch to come up with his design, because of a million little conflicting details. All I had to go on for his face was generic, but it was enough for me to put together some semblance of a mental image that I spent way too long tweaking.

Here is why designing him was a royal pain in the ass:

So, when designing a character one must ask their first question: soft lines or hard lines?
With percy, he's such a combination of traits that it's hard to capture. Do I want to show the fact the he can be terrifying and has a tendency to be rash and cool upon your very first impression, or do I want to show the fact that he is actually generally quite kind and a gentle person when need be? Sarcastic or gentle? Do I want to connect with water through softening the lines, or make him more angular to match his personality? See? Annoying. It took me a million years to answer that question, and ultimately I decided on hard lines. Why? Because it suits him. That's what it boiled down to. It suits him.

Now, you probably aren't thinking this, but I'm a pretentious and obnoxious shit and I will ask and answer an unasked question:
Yourmiddletoes, you dumbfuck, why not use refernces?

Because they're useless for this character that's why. What your given, is that he has a "Roman god handsome" sorta vibe going on which pretty much directly contradicts previous and later given descriptors thanks Rick I'm dying are you happy now?
I looked up pictures of poseidon and got a whole lotta beards and a weird ass redneck jesus lookin Poseidon wearing a skirt thing idk man it was w e i r d. Also, the images didn't really align with my headcanons so fuck that counterintuitive bullshit.

Finally, I struggled with making him look sufficiently scary and intense but *-°~'not'~°-* (thanks again, rick.). I wanted personally to do his intensity justice, which is why he looks like he's burning a small city using just his mind sorry for that. Also, if you are an A+ observer of shitty art you may notice the shadows around his eyes.
It is because there is no gods dam way homeboy is having prophetic nightmares and losing sleep over them and it doesn't show. No Way In Hell. He's magic but he doesn't have that kind of magic.


That was the length of an actual fic sorry about that. Also, bet you can't count how many times I cuss in this. It's a Problem but I really don't care.

Finally, I used Impossible Year because it's one of my favorite songs and I had it stuck in my head as I drew this, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of this but you should listen to it regardless because it's fin-flipping-tastic.

Byebye children.

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