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That says "my japanese homework is boring." It is. It took me 3 hours to get one page, double spaced done because I can't focus for shit, especially when I don't want to. So I did this stuff:

The cartoon labeled Jonie: that is jonie the oni (demon, in Japanese)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The cartoon labeled Jonie: that is jonie the oni (demon, in Japanese). She owns a blue cat and likes persimmons, and she lives in the woods. She is very nice. I have no idea where that style came from, but I don't half hate it.

The boy and the girl: two characters from a very good and unpopular book named "Phantom Limbs". It almost made me cry several times. It's the main character, Otis Mueller, Soft Boi Stereotype and Perfect Mans, and the love interest, Meg I-don't-remember-her-last-name-because-I-read-this-book-2-months-ago-and-it-isn't-mentioned-much. It's them as kiddos. I highly suggest it, it features Dara, Otis' swim coach dead set on getting him to the Olympics (an impossible goal) who happens to be cripplingly depressed and missing an arm. Meg, Otis' childhood best (and only) friend as well as his first (and only) love. Otis has no life whatsoever if you hadn't noticed yet. Otis swims constantly (thanks, Dara) and writes pretty words for fun. He is also depressed. Everyone here is depressed. That is the point of this book. Overcoming past traumas and not letting them take over your life, and paying attention to those around you because otherwise you'll lose them.
I am doing a bad job of enticing you guys to read this, aren't I? Anyways, Sad Swimmer Boi's love of his life who has been entirely absent from said life in every way comes back to smol town to settle old ghosts of her past, but stirring up old feelings instead. Dara is a badass bitch. Otis is pure. Meg is sweet and honestly trying so hard at like, everything.
My personal favorite part:
The scene is that this girl is drunk af and making moves on Otis, who doesn't want any of this.
Girl: ugh your lips look so so so so soft and kissable.
Otis: *awkwardly scootches away*
Otis: I'm a FaN oF tHe MiNt ChApStIcK
What an icon. Read the book just for Otis being a pure try hard and awkward legend.

The girl at the bottom? Realism, baby.

That was mostly a book pitch but whatever I accidentally do those all the time.

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