mystery mans

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Who is this mystery mans? What is he from? Is he from anything?
Nobody knows.

Who is this mystery mans? What is he from? Is he from anything?Nobody knows

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lol jk it's Shadow Moon from American Gods. He's got the coolest name for the lamest reason, but!! It's a facet of his character that is being improved upon and changed all throughout the book. He doesn't talk much, and he's muscles boi so people assume he's a dumb dumb but he is actually very big brain. This is a shitty representation of a very good character from a very good book.

He is a fully grown adult but gods I'm so used to drawing teenagers! It was wack to try to make him look older, and in my mental narration of my drawing, I kept referring to him as a 'kid' because I'm used to that being correct.

American Gods is an amazing book, I highly suggest it to all of you mythology fans. It's fascinating to see the differences in outlook on a world where gods are real and how they're created between Gaiman and Riordan. It's cool book, but it does have some smexy TMI you really did not need (there were multiple points where I had to skip several pages), but otherwise is pretty fine with that. It's also violent and cussing occurs often. But it brings up good points about morality and the fickleness of american culture, as well as addressing assumptions and moving on past grief and finding your voice all while not being obnoxiously upbeat.
I also really like Neil Gaiman's writing style so that may play into it.
It's a book you read, and you enjoy it, and you get what's happening. But you finish it and you're like "what just happened? Was that a fever dream?" But it's not. It's a literature classic.

This has been a book talk loosely related to low quality art with yourmiddletoes.

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