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Rey's POV:
An hour later...

I stood on the balcony of my room, the glass bubble surrounding the balcony now gone and light snow fell in my hair and on my body. I admired the small flakes and smiled each time one fell around my fingers. I anxiously watched the party below, music and dancing echoed through the lively city. I just rubbed the palm of my hand and felt sweat grow around my hairline.

"Come to me...learn your past" a voice whispered, I whipped around on the balcony and felt lightheaded...something was calling me.

"Learn the truth...come to me my dear child, learn it all" the voice croaked.

I wanted to reject the offer but my heart was drawn toward the voice, I began to walk away from the balcony and venture through my room and toward the door. My hand reached for the long cloak hanging by the door, I grabbed the cloak and pulled it around my shoulders. The warm cloak kept my body warm as I ventured through the long and empty halls of the palace.

"Follow my voice my dear...your life lies before your very eyes"

My mind was screaming at me to stop but how could I, something made me want to go to this place...I couldn't stop.

Bens ship enters the outer-rim as he speeds toward Rey's destination, he knows something is wrong and he knows the culprit of Rey's descent to darkness.

My shoes clicked a song under each slow step as the voice led me down a distant hall, one where's the warmth from before immediately faded and I felt completely helpless as I journeyed to the unknown below the palaces floor.

"Your parents are here Rey...come find them, learn the truth"

The truth...my parents.

My mind became extremely foggy as I couldn't think straight anymore, I rubbed my eyes and continued to follow the voice. The halls growing dark and feeling of never ending cold filling my blood.

Ben enters the atmosphere and senses Rey, she's so near and yet so far...all he has to do is reach her in time.

He sees a distant city in the farthest his eyes can see and pilots his ship toward the light in the dark, night sky. Rey's presence grew stronger as he knew she was there but he couldn't sense her knowing he was there...she was being lured somewhere evil.

She couldn't feel him.

The one thing he wanted...was being taken from him.

He flew the ship toward the palace and grit his teeth, he didn't care how he'd reach Rey...he just would. He grit his teeth and pushed on the controls, powering the ship to rip through the palace walls and crash in to the lowest level of the palace.

A loud roar echoed through the palace, something had happened above the ground and yet I felt no need to go and see what it was. The truth lies below the floor and I was growing closer and closer...why would I stop. My heart began to beat rapidly as I walked to the edge of a dark hall, the feeling of evil growing around me filled my soul but I didn't stop. Stairs began to appear before my very eyes but they were not modern, sleek white steps. They were aged stone, glazed over by a thin sheet of ice and cracks extending from the crevasses of the steps.

Ben's POV:

I ran through the halls of the palace, using the lightsaber Luke gifted me on Ahch-to to eliminate anyone who dare intervene on my mission to save Rey. My mothers lightsaber, was a royal blue color, one that resembled Rey's...My heart ached at the idea of her being in trouble. I could sense her existence here, she was alarmingly close.

"Below...go below" Lukes voice filled my head. He said he'd be with me, my heart filled with warmth.

I watched as soldiers rounded the corner of the hall and smiled their blasters at me, I raised the lightsaber to deflect their blasts as I dove behind close wall. I caught my breath and noticed my cloak was hanging out from my position. I cursed the fabric and ripped the heavy cloak from my shoulders, along with the padded armor and my gloves. I felt liberated as I held the lightsaber in my hand, the sound of the weapon humming in my hand.

I looked at the floor and around me and took a deep breath, I plunged the weapon of light in to the ground and began to cut a circle around my body. The sleek, white floor melted away as the blue light cut through.

The sound of blasters rang through the hall as I ripped through the fall, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

Rey descends further in to the chapel, the future of her life in complete darkness and she is silenced of Ben's arrival and desensitized to the danger she was entering.

Rey's POV:

The steps grew long and never ending, seemingly leading me toward a dark unknown...yet I felt strange comfort within the dark halls.

"Come Rey, your destiny lies ahead." The voice spit quickly.

My heart stopped beating its fast pace and I stopped dead in my tracks. What destiny? The cold air surrounding me grew painfully cold as I realized the darkness around me was no longer never ending. The walls were coated in a sheet of ice, I raised my hand to the dark wall and pressed my hand against the stone. Chills screamed up my body and I began to tremble as my mind screamed at me to run back up the stairs.

I whipped around and saw the stairs behind me had disappeared, I held my breath as tears welled my eyes.

What have I done.

"Come Rey...see your past die behind you" the voice spit.

"Who are you?" I called, not moving from my place on the icy steps. A cold wind emerged from the bottom of the stairs, revealing to me that there was an end to the endless stairs.

"You must see for yourself, the truth is a difficult path my child, but you have strength" the voice hissed warmly, the idea of following this voice was idiotic yet filled my mind with interest. I could find the truth about my past if I followed.

"What is this destiny you speak of?...what is my destiny?" I asked the mysterious man, the question burned my throat as it arose from my lungs.

"Power my child, endless...delicious power" he spit, my body trembled dramatically as I felt completely powerless compared to this man. "The light is a distraction from your true power, you were a scavenger girl, you were nothing...you are nothing until you discover your destiny"

He called me nothing...but he didn't counter it with warmth of open arms, he just said I could fix this with fulfilling my destiny, my unknown yet intriguing destiny.

"Come Rey, see everything" he called. "I know everything about you...your wants, needs and dreams my dear." His hoarse and rough voice croaked. An evil power lurked in his voice, yet my naive curiosity took over and I felt compelled to journey farther. Something down there called to me...he said he knew who I was, that's all I wanted...someone who knew me. My mind grew foggy once more and my body began to hum with excitement...unnatural excitement I wasn't feeling in my heart.

I took a deep breath and felt a single tear roll down my cheek as I turned slowly toward the dark descending stairs in front of me. My mind screamed at me to stop but...I didn't.

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