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"Lady Rey? It is time to awake" Yupka's voice echoed through the quiet room. I rolled over on the soft mattress and looked toward the door, she shuffled through the room in a long and extremely intricate gown. My eyes widened at the sight of her, she looked completely different.

"You look...amazing" I said truthfully, she just smiled quickly and looked down at her gown. "The festival of Kantakiwa starts today, all of Pantora dresses in their finest garb for the festival" she explained.

"What is...this festival about?" I asked slowly, sitting up in my bed and letting the white sheets roll down my body. My now long hair fell around my shoulders and swayed with my movements.

"We are celebrating peace and harmony" she said quickly, but it sounded like the exact same answer as last time. I had no idea why but a moment of unease filled my mind but it quickly faded.

"What do you do?" I followed up, she just smiled and walked toward the wardrobe.

"At 6, we lay out a banquet and let everyone snack on native foods of Pantora. Then the night is spent dancing, singing and drinking, but only ritualistic and ancient music is played" she explained, "it may seem strange but we enjoy it, I believe you will too" she stated, I just smiled awkwardly and watched as she pulled out a white dress from the wardrobe. I gasped at the dress as it's slim figure and high slit seemed inappropriate for the cold weather outside. Yupka noticed my concerned face and giggled, "you will he given a cloak my lady, have no worry" she said softly, I just smiled and gently grabbed the end of the skirt. I ran my fingers along the silky fabric and couldn't believe I was touching it, I'd never felt something so luxurious. I almost felt guilty.

"How do i know if it will fit?" I asked, trying to think of an excuse to avoid wearing this slinky gown. The bodice was fitted along with longer sleeves that didn't connected to the shoulders, but crossed over my chest like an "X". The shape seem too fitted and designed to fit me.

"When you were in a medical induced coma, your body was scanned and measurements were taken. This dress is fitted to your figure" she explained, I crawled out of the bed and gazed at the dress, almost finding it comical.
"I apologize, but I've never worn a dress. I mean..." I said humorously, I motioned to the skirt below and giggled, "this was the first skirt I'd ever worn" I admitted. Yupka just laughed and motioned toward me.

"Your figure is a little bulky for most women but your body is well shaped. You've hidden it under scavenger garb and now...on Pantora, you will experience something new" she said happily, I just stared at the dress and couldn't help but laugh.

"Will everyone be wearing white?" I asked, she shook her head and laid the gown on the bed, walking back toward the wardrobe.

"No, it will be black and white, men wear black and women wear white. The colors of light and dark...balance" she explained. The idea of the peace and harmony festival started to make sense, but I also feared meeting the high priestess.

"What time is it?" I asked quickly, Yupka clicked a button on her wristband and a holographic number popped up. "Two in the afternoon, I have scheduled for you to meet the high priestess at two thirty, so please, allow me to help you get dressed" she informed me, I just reluctantly nodded my head and began to remove the robes I'd worn to bed.

Ben's POV:

"Supreme Leader, are you sure it's wise to follow that Jedi all alone, she could have fled to a resistance base" Hux tried to argue, I raised my hand to silence him and watched as his thin, pale lips slammed shut and he stopped walking next to me.

"Prepare my ship, I'll send out a signal if I'm in need. Do not follow me" I demanded, Hux just smirked and nodded his head. My mind lurked toward Hux and I furrowed my brow, sensing humor within his mind. "Is something funny, General?" I spit, Hux's smirk faded as his head snapped toward mine. I fed kr my breathing grow shaky and unsteady as I stared in to his disgusting eyes.

"No my lord, I just wonder why you insist to go alone" he confessed, I just took a step toward him and frowned.

"Because I know you're incapable of doing it yourself" I spit, his face turned to anger and his lips curled downward in to a dramatic frown.

"I'll have you know my men are exceptionally trained, raised from birth and trained to perfection" he spit, thinking he'd won the argument.

"If they're perfect, how come they can't hit a moving target?" I questioned, his confidence faded as he knew his men were not perfect except for his elite squad, except, even they were killed by rebels. "When your men can hunt that Jedi and not get murdered...only then can you make the argument that you are capable of catching her. But all you've been to me and this regime is a disappointment" I spit.

He just scoffed and stared in to my eyes, I could feel a smart remark growing and I was prepared for almost anything. "Then tell my...supreme leader, why were you holding that Jedi like you cared for her if you're hinting her?" Hux hissed, his face contorting to a twisted look of blackmail. "She has seduced you, you feel connected to this...mutt, because what? She was nice to you?" He taunted, I furrowed my brow and balled my fists, using all my power to not drive my saber through his heart. "You have grown soft, weak...did you think killing your father would make Snoke favor you for once...pathetic. You are nothing more than a child! A child who fell in love with a girl because you are weak!" He yelled, I felt my lower lip quiver and I raised my hand toward Hux. He grasped his throat and began to thrash violently under my force, everything inside of screamed for me to kill him.

But that's how I lost Rey.

I wasn't going to lose myself.

I thrusted my hand out and sent Hux flying into a metal wall, his body thudded against the dark tile and he laid limp on the floor. All the workers within the control hangar stared at Hux as he slid on the ground.
"My Lord, the ship has been tracked to an uninhabited planet called Pantora. The navigations were sent to your cruiser" a woman informed me, I looked her voice and nodded my head.

I quickly marched from the hangar and headed toward my personal ship. I felt my heart slow in my chest as the excitement from the confrontation had ceased and everyone returned to their stations.

"Supreme Leader, Pantora has a strange amount of energy leaving its atmosphere, are you sure you want to go alone?" Captain Goy asked carefully, I stopped dead in my tracks and faced the dark skinned captain.

"Do not question me again" I threatened, returning to my march toward the private hangar. My shoes echoed on the dark tiles and I couldn't help but grow anxious as my return to Rey grew very near.

I thought of her from last night, she looked...different in those robes, I couldn't help but notice her exposed torso, the idea of seeing it almost made me...speechless. I never truly wanted to see her like that, unless it was in person. I just wanted...her. I remembered the new length of her hair and how it fell around her shoulders, she looked royal, like a ruler.

She was beautiful.

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