Chapter 2 😺

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After signing so much paperwork I was finally able to take them home. I was given information papers about each of them individually such as their names, their basic needs and stuff like that. The centre didn't really know much about their actual personalities because they never shifted at the centre and they had been there for ten months so that's a very long time for a hybrid not to shift.

I had three cat carriers for all of them. I had help putting them in my car on the way home but when I got home I had to take two trips to the car.

I was very excited so once I had all three carriers in my living room I opened their carriers but none of them came out. It disappointed me but I won't force them they'll come out in their own time.

Standing in my kitchen I know realised I only had one pet bowl. It was a set, one side for water and the other for food. Yes I know they won't always use it since they can change to people but I thought they might not be comfortable at first or rather be in the mood to eat in animal form.

Sighing in frustration that means I have to go back out to go buy some more bowls. What was also needed was their own collars, the centre gave me basic black collars but I think they'd be better off choosing their own. But obviously that will have to wait until they shift for the first time.

I grabbed all the papers I was given from my bag and left the kitchen to now sit in the living room next to the carriers that all sat there with the doors wide open. They're still not out yet.

I laid on my stomach on the sofa flipping through all the papers. First paper, Namjoon.

He is currently 25 years old

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He is currently 25 years old.
The other six hybrids look up to him as leader.
Smart yet clumsy.
Human appearance, unknown.

That's all it says about him as a hybrid other than the  information on how to look after him. I'm not stupid, I know how to look after others. Another thing that pops into mind, I have to go buy clothes for them since I know they're all boys.  I can easily order them though I have next day delivery since they don't want to come out just yet.

Next page, it read seokjin then in bold reads responds to Jin. Okay then.

 Okay then

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