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Today was the memorial for Mayor Lockwood.

I feel tremendous guilt for killing those hybrids. Yes, they plotted against my brother, but they didn't deserve for all of this to happen to them.

They didn't deserve to die.

Throughout history, I have been known as "the good one" or "the nice one" and many have said that I am the nicest or kindest of both original families.

Now, I think that maybe they were wrong about me. I'm just as evil as the rest of them. I just killed all of these people with my emotions on. If my humanity was off than it would be understandable for me to kill, but I had all of my feelings and morals and I still killed.

I am skipping the memorial. It's too depressing and I am honestly afraid to see the others after what I did.

I don't really know who I am right now. If I murdered those people out of cold blood than I am a monster. It's just really hard for me to grasp that I just did that. I have killed before and I usually don't let it affect me too much but for some reason, killing them really is stinging this time.

This could partially be because I know that these people were Tyler's pack. Tyler also just lost his mother. Caroline is my friend and she has to comfort Tyler because he lost all of his family because of my family.

It's just not fair to him and now I feel guilty.

I receive a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, love. Did you miss me?" Rebekah greets.

"Bekah?" I ask.

"Indeed. I was daggered by Niklaus. Aeron and April Young found me and now I need a good catch up on what has been going on since I left." She tells me.

"Where do you want to meet?" I ask.

"The highschool's library." She says.

"I'll be right over." I tell her and hang up.

I get dressed and leave for the Mystic Falls High school.

The memorial was over by the time I arrived.

I entered the library and I see Stefan, Elena, and Caroline seated at a table and Rebekah is also with them.

"Hey, what are they all doing here?" I ask.

"They are catching me up to speed." Rebekah says.

"Oh, alright." I reply. Elena, Stefan, and Caroline are looking at me weirdly, I know it's because I killed the hybrids.

I took a seat next to Rebekah and I listened to their conversation.

"So, vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys, which explains why Stefan reeks of alcohol. But what it doesn't explain is why sweet, loving, innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Stefan. How could she hurt you like that? Answer, please." Rebekah asks.

"She didn't know it at the time, but she was sired to Damon." Stefan answers.

"A sire bond. That's fascinating. And what do you think about that, Elena?" Rebekah asks.

"I think you're sad and bored and in desperate need of a hobby." Elena snaps in reply.

" You're hiding something. Fess up." Rebekah orders.

"I didn't sleep with Damon because of the sire bond. I slept with Damon because I'm in love with him." Elena snaps.

Stefan looks at Elena. He seems hurt by what she said.

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