Chapter 4: One of Rogues

Start from the beginning

“Is he here?”

“Wait on the plane,” said the driver. “After the deal was made, he was excited to meet you and moved up the date.”

I nodded. “What’s his name?”


“Keith,” I whispered, clasping my forehead. This was happening too fast. I just lost Shiloh, and now I was being forced into the prospects of having a mate. A man who I had never met.

The car stopped. I glanced out the window at a smaller than plane than the jets I had seen flying overhead. The two men climbed out as I breathed deeply, rubbing my hands on my pants. I could do this. I’d find a way out of this, hopefully.

A dominant opened the door. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car. The man took my arm and walked me to the staircase leading up to the plane door. He pushed me up onto them. I glanced back only to be ushered forward. This was the moment I’d never be prepared for. I reached the door and knocked.

The door swung open, nearly hitting me. A tall, thin man looked me over. I stood there as the wind rustled my clothes.

“You must be,” he took out his phone and clicked a couple things. “West.”

I nodded. “Hi.”

He moved out of the way. I slipped past him and was hit with warmth.

The man swung the door close. “Sit down. Keith will be out in a moment.”

“‘kay.” I sat down on a curved couch.

Werewolves took their seats in the chairs across from me and put on their seatbelts. I didn’t really know what to do, and the prospected of flying was my making my stomach turn. The door at the back of the plane opened. I stared at the large dominant. His skin was a dark chocolate. He flashed me a large smile. His suit looked very expensive and had been fitted to his large frame. I swallowed hard. The aura about him told me he was a dominant among dominants.

Bowing my head, I stared at my feet. His sleek black shoes appeared in my view.


I peeked up. “Hi.”

He sat and ran his arm along the back of the couch. “I’m Keith.”

Letting out the deep breath I was holding, I nodded. “Hi.”

He laughed. “Relax.” Grabbing the back of my neck, he shook me gently. “I’m not going to jump you.” His hand brushed across my cheek to my chin. He tilted my head to him.

I received a smile, and he released me.

“Put your seatbelt on. We’ll be taking off soon and then we can go to the back room to talk.”

I quickly grabbed the black restraints tucked into the creases of the cushions. After snapping the buckled together, I sat back in my seat, gripping my knees tightly.

“You seem stiff,” said Keith, watching me.

“I’ve never flew before,” I laughed nervously.

“It’s not that bad. We didn’t bring you here just to kill you.”

My head snapped toward him, and I saw the smirk smeared across his face. I didn’t want to be teased right now. I felt the plane shake a little. I looked to the window to see the airport moving by. Lowering my head, I took deep breaths. I’d be okay; I wasn’t a sub, I could make it through this.

I didn’t move from the position until we were in the air and people started to move about the room. A woman offered Keith a drink. He waved her off, all the while watching me.

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