Chapter 60: Sharp Words Cut Deep, Dear

Start from the beginning

She did join, just not as quickly as he would have liked. As she grabbed onto the controller, he pulled her into his lap and locked his arms around her so that he could still play. She found the action odd, wanting to sit by herself, but he restrained her movement so that she sat with him, encouraging her to play with him. It took a while, but he got what he wanted and he grinned largely because of it, his cheeks pink as he giggled childishly every now and then.

The two of them played for what seemed like an hour before Takuya came over with a plate of waffles and strawberries with whipped cream. He sat down next to the girl, ignoring Haru, and began to spoon-feed her. She turned her head away, refusing to be fed by someone else but the brunette kept insisting she eat something. It wasn't that he was happy that Takuya was feeding her, but he'd rather have that than have her go hungry. Besides, he was busy playing games.

"What is it with you guys?!" she said, finding her way out of Haru's grip, "Can't I just have my own personal space?! Leave me alone!"

"I haven't touched you," Shota said, bringing it to her attention in hopes of gaining some kind of recognition, "Shouldn't that count for something? I've been giving you your space, too. Some compliments would be nice. Perhaps a nice 'thank you'?"

"Gee, thanks, Yasojiro," she said, putting emphasis on his last name, making him flinch, "If you hadn't abducted me and threatened the people I loved, I don't know what I would be doing right now!"

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you," he said, glaring at her.

She scowled back, crossing her arms over her chest, and turned her back on him, making him clench his fists in anger. Something about that made him more furious than anything else and he wanted to strangle someone to death. Yet he remained where he was, tapping his foot impatiently as Rei gave a whistle at the girl's sudden attitude.

"Didn't know you had it in you," the blonde chuckled, "Well done, cupcake!"

"You're no better," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Ouchie," he exclaimed, clutching at his heart and pretending as if he'd been shot, "It hurts! Kiss it better, sweetie pie!"

The girl only proceeded to storm up the stairs, but not before clutching at the key Shota had placed in her hand and throwing it at the back of his head. He paused, hanging his head as he stared at the gift he'd given her laying on the floor at his feet. Reluctantly, he kneeled down to it and picked it up, pressing it to where his heart would have been. The others were in shock of her sudden outburst, but Yamato just found it humorous.

"(Y/n)'s upset," Takuya said, pulling his knees into his chest with a frown, "Did I do something wrong?"

"She was content before," Haru pointed out, figuring it had to do something with either him or the white-haired boy beside him.

"No, she wasn't," Yamato yawned, continuing to munch on his slice of cake, "Use your brains, dumbasses. You can't really expect her to withstand this situation without snapping once in a while. We kidnapped her, killed and hurt some people that she was close to, and now you guys are all over her. It's a wonder she doesn't yell more often."

"Never thought you'd be the wise one in this situation," Shota scoffed, pushing his hair back with his hand and letting out a sigh.

Akari and Takuya remained silent, feeling immense guilt for (Y/n) while Rei and Haru argued about who started it. Shota didn't say a word, struggling to think of something to remedy the girl's attitude toward him. He looked down at the key he held and let out a scoff, an idea coming into his mind. While it wasn't one he would typically condone, she wasn't bound to open up to him without incentive.

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