I rode the bus for an hour. Searching for a airport, a train station anything that would get me home but I came up short and I somehow managed to end up in the bad part of Paris.

A large scary dude got on the bus. He had a beard that had bread crumbs buried in it. His eyes were black and he smelled of grease. His eyes fell on me the moment he made it pass the Polly, he even sat across from me, staring me up in down, taking in my dress with greedy eyes. I was being eye rapped! I was extremely uncomfortable. Wrapping my arms around myself I glanced around the bus. Grateful that there were five other people on here with us. I snuck a glance a Grease Bucket. And met his dark stare. He smiled at me, revealing a pair of rotten teeth. I tried not to wince, but I failed miserably. I shuddered and the man scrawled.

Well what did he expect? It wasn't like I was going to do a happy dance because I had his attention. He was creepy!

"Êtes-vous d' ici?"

I stared blankly at the man, having no clue as to what he'd asked. I averted my eyes the moment he smirked. I had a feeling that that question was a test. A test I had definitely failed. Shifting in the uncomfortable seat I started to feel my eyes droop. A part of me worried about falling asleep on the bus. Something bad could happen... that man could snatch me up. Or... maybe he'd get off. Plus there were people on this bus. They'd help me. And there was bound to be more who'd get on.

I had successfully managed to sooth my mind. And with the thought that I was perfectly safe, my heavy lids fluttered shut.

The bumpy road managed to awaken me some time later. It was late. Really late. It was pitch black outside. I glanced around the bus. It was mostly empty. Except-- the man was still sitting across from me.

My heart beat sped up, cheeks reddened with fear. I was panicking. He was staring at me, his eyes twinkled mischievously. His head tilted to the side in question, he tilted his head forward as if listening to something. But what...

The bus jerked to a stop. My frightened eyes dashed towards the opening doors. I had two options:

#1 Stay on bus with creepy breaded man.

#2 Get off of bus and get away from creepy bearded man.

Option two was the most appealing. Paris had tons of people roaming through its streets. If I got lost I could ask for directions.

I hoped up from my seat and dashed towards the exit. Once my feet landed on the grass I was home bound. The amount of relief flowing threw my system had me extremely giddy. I wanted to do a happy dance. Turning around I watched in utter horror as the man made his way down the bus isle. He planned on getting off too.

I stood there watching as he descended down the stairs. My brain started to work properly and I ran. I had made the wrong choice! Should have stayed on the bus! Should have never left the restaurant!

It was dark, cold and I was utterly lost. I had gotten off at a station where poverty manifested in every corner. The gravel was uneven and crumpled. The houses either crumbled in or barely standing. Where was the amazing architecture! The boutiques and mall plazas?

I ran until my heart screamed in protest and then I slowed. Panting I bent, my hands braced on my knees. Glancing around I searched for the evil man that had been following me. Gone.

He wansn't there but I didn't feel any better. I had this itching feeling that he was still around.

He was waiting...

I did the only thing that could take the edge off. Reaching into the front of my dress I pulled out my phone.
There were several missed calls. A bunch of them within the the last few hours. The newest one had been dialed less then 4 minutes ago. There were even calls from my mom and dad. Several txt and notifications. But my battery had very little juice. It was good thing it was turned off this entire time. Unwrapping it the rest of the way from the tissue I dialed my moms number. I wasn't even sure if she'd answer. But to my surprise she picked up on the first ring.

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