Chapter 27

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I felt like stabbing Jack. I wanted to stab Jack. I would have stabbed Jack if I wasn't still trying to comprehend what was happening. How dare he not tell me that Alex was his roommate?

I felt my insides twist and turn. I couldn't live under the same roof as him, Alex. He who I loved but his heart no longer belonged to me. Everything he does, everything he says, has only taught me that he no longer feels what I feel for him. Some say it's the eyes that hold a door to the soul, and I used to believe that. That was until Alex's eyes no longer smiled at me, no longer gleamed with happiness and love.

Alex had changed, something or someone had changed him. He wasn't acting or behaving like his usual self. His usual being would always find a way for others to forgive him. Alex would have already found a way for my forgiveness, for Jack's, Rian's, Zack's and everyone else's. There was something standing in the way, yet I didn't want to see it.

As long as Alex didn't love me, I didn't want to see anything at all. I didn't want to see him moving on.

"Jack..." I sighed, still glaring at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

My glare was a cover up. I actually wanted to cry. Cry because I would have to put up with seeing Alex live his life without me.

Jack shrugged, then he stopped for a moment. He froze as he stared between Alex and myself.

"If Alex loves Lisa so much, why doesn't he go live with her?"

Alex and I both gasped.

Had Jack actually just picked sides? I didn't want this. I never wanted this. No one had to pick a side, I just... I didn't want this. I'm so sorry.

"What?" Alex asked. "You're not serious."

Jack glared at him. "This was your home when you had nothing. Now you have Lisa and you left that pretty clear. Sky has nothing and it's my job as her bestfriends to be there for her."

I looked down at the ground in shame. I had just took Alex's bestfriend, the person that's supposed to be by his side every step of the way, no matter what.

"So where's my bestfriend? She has all of you and I have no one." Alex whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

As much as I despised him for replacing me, as much as I wanted him to hurt for not loving me, I couldn't stand seeing him so down.

"Jack, don't do this." I croaked. "I don't mind Alex living here, it would have just been nice to know."

Lying straight to their face was better than watching as their friendship went to the trash. I couldn't be the cause of that.

Jack looked at me with confusion.

"A-are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded and looked over at Alex whom still looked sad but maybe now a little relieved.

I flashed him a small reassuring smile and for the first time in a while, I saw in his eyes that same love that he once looked at me with.

"So where can I set my things?" I asked no one in particular.

"Oh, I'll show you to your room." Jack said.

He was about to take my bags when his cell rang.

"Oh. One sec." he whispered as he answered.

"Yo, Ri!" he shouted down the line and walked to what I assumed was the kitchen.

I sighed, standing in place and holding my bags.

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