Chapter 5

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Tom's room took an entire week to finish. But at last, it was finally complete and perfect. It looked exactly like Sky imagined it. The walls were painted a sunset blue and each wall had various small pictures that scattered the walls. A silhouette of every single character from Peter Pan stood across the top of the window sills, Jack and Sally were hugging next to one of the shelves on the wall. Various Disney characters were peeking out from clever places on the walls. The painter went all out in covering a lot of the movies, but the images were small and neat so the room didn't seem cluttered. Some were hiding behind books on shelves so you could only see them if you moved things around. Pinocchio, Cinderella, The Lion King, Winnie The Pooh, Mickey Mouse, it was so cool. I was sure Matt would come visit us often because really, this was a Disney Wonderland in my own home, he would love it! And we even managed to include the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. Skylar loved the room when she saw it. She even cried a little, which I found adorable.

So, after a week of hard work, I was sitting on the couch watching movies with the love of my life. We were watching Home Alone and it was just about to come to an end.

"Lets go to the park." Skylar suggested, as the ending credits started to appear on the screen.

"The park? Why the park?"

"I haven't taken pictures of anything in so long. I fear I may lose my touch and the park looks perfect in the Spring, I can take a lot of good shots." she explained.

"Okay, but you should probably change first?"

She giggled and ran upstairs as I grabbed my car keys from the counter.

"Ready!" Sky squeaked, jumping up behind me.

She had her camera straped on around her neck and resting on her belly.

"Lets go!" I said, linking our hands together.

I opened the car door for her, still acting like a gentleman even though we had been together for almost 2 and a half years.

She smiled softly and got in as I closed the door behind her. I hoped into the driver's seat and drove off to the Canton Waterfront Park, which was only a 10 minute drive away. It was her favorite park.

"Nop, ew, no, not happening, next." were the muffled words coming out of Skylar's mouth as she surfed through the radio stations.

"Gosh, why doesn't the radio play decent music anymore!? she sighed.

I chuckled and opened the glove compartment, telling her to choose a CD.

She ended up choosing Green Day and slid the record into the sound system.

Soon, American Idiot stared to blast through the speakers as Skylar and I sang along to it, quite terrible, if I may add.

I could feel Skylar's eyes on me as I drove. Occasionally, I would glance over at her and find her smiling as she observed my every movement.

"What?" I finally asked.

"I love you." she responded, her eyes still on me.

"I love you too."

"And if I wasn't pregnant, I would most definitely do you right now."

"You would do me?" I repeated, a slight smirk forming on my lips.

She nodded and laughed when she realized how incredibly immature that sounded.

"Well, I would do you too." I laughed, turning off the engine as I pulled into an empty parking spot.

She rolled her eyes and got out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Skyyyyy!" I whined, getting out after her.

Can We Find A New Beginning?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora