Chapter 6

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"Come on, babe, you can do it." I whispered in Sky's ear.

She yelled out in pain as she pushed yet again.

Yes, she was in labor and I was with her, trying my hardest not to pass out.

"Okay, one more big push." Dr. James said.

Sky had been calling him Tobias the whole day but I didn't like him so I stuck to his professional name.

Sky grunted in pain as she pushed one more time.

The doctor turned to stare at me, then mumbled something to the nurse beside him.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Nothing." the nurse interrupted.

I held on to Sky's hand tighter.

I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong but they didn't want to tell us.

"One more push, Skylar. Nurse Sanders, control her heart beat!" Dr. James demanded, his voice getting louder at the end.

Sky pushed one last time and soon the doctor held a small body in his arms.

But the baby didn't cry, it didn't move, nothing.

"W-what's wrong? Why isn't he crying!?" I shouted at the supposedly professionals.

"Alex? What's wrong with Tom? What's going on?!" Skylar asked clearly freaked out by my reaction.

I continued staring at the small figure in the doctors arms, avoiding to answer Sky's questions.

"Alex! What's going on!? Why isn't the baby crying!? Why won't you look at me!?" she yelled.

She started to breath heavily, she was going into a panic attack. She needed me to comfort her, to tell her that everything was fine but I couldn't. I couldn't rip my gaze away from the tiny body that had yet to move.

Suddenly, the machines Sky was hooked on to starting going crazy, beeping incredibly loud and fast until finally, they were completely silent. The only sound that filled the room was one single beep from her heart monitor that went on and on, never ending.

"Sky? Sky!? Skylar!?!" I ran over to her side and shook her, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Get him out of here!!!" the doctor shouted.

Just then, I felt a pair of arms grab my body and drag me outside to the waiting room, away from the two most important people in my life.

"Sir, you have to relax. We are doing everything we can." the male nurse said to me.

I looked him dead in the eyes and spat in his face.

"Then, get in there and help them!"

He looked taken back but nodded and disappeared back into the room.

"Alex?" Jack approached me.

His voice full of concern when he saw my tears.

"What happened?" he asked.

I took one look at him and broke down, letting his question sink in.

What did happen?

Was little Tom... dead? Was Sky?

Everyone ran over to me and enveloped me in a group hug, trying their best to comfort me. But it was useless, I only wanted Skylar, I wanted her and the baby.

When I finally calmed down, Sky's mom came over to me and sat next to me.

"What happened? Is Sky okay?" she asked.

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