Chapter 22

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Today was one of those days when everyone just seems to be mad at you for some reason.

And maybe that reason was because everyone seemed to think that Patrick and I did have a thing. As if I was even capable of ever cheating on someone so amazing, Alex.

He was the only one that didn't seem to hate me, except for Patrick, but Patrick was the cause of all this. So despite everything, Alex only seemed sad... maybe even angry but not at me, just at the situation.

I wasn't even sure if we were still together, I highly doubted it.

We weren't even together for a day until everything blew up on me. I knew my happiness was too good to be true.

I just wanted this tour to be over... just 5 more days.

I sighed out loud as I sat on the front lounge couch and scrolled through my Twitter, my mentions was just full of people asking about my 'relationship' with Patrick. I despised Patrick at the moment.

I switched over to my news feed, reading tweets from other band members and Damon. It was only when I came across a certain tweet that I felt tears fill my eyes.

@AlexAllTimeLow: This tour has been great, but I can't wait to go home to my girl.

Had Alex got himself a new girlfriend? So quickly? Then he really didn't love me at all! He had used me!

I blinked furiously, letting a couple tears fall.

"Skylar?" a voice called out from the bunk corridor.

I immediately wiped away my tears and lowered my head.

"Sky?" the voice called again, this time closer as I felt a body sit down next to me.

I looked up and smiled at Rian.

"Where's Cass?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Would you believe me if I told you she's getting us coffee?"

I shook my head. "She's talking to Alex, isn't she?" I said, frowning.

He sighed. "We just want you guys to be happy again."

"Rian, please don't. Everyone hates me because of Patrick but I swear there's nothing between us. I love Alex!" I rushed out all at once.

"Sky... did you hear what you said?" Rian said slowly.

"There's nothing between Patrick and I?" I repeated.

He grinned and shook his head making himself look like a crazed person.

"You said you loved Alex." he smiled at me.

My breath hitched in my throat.

"I did?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded.

I felt more tears fall as I thought about it.

"I do... I love Alex but I can't." I mumbled softly.

"Why not?" Rian asked sympathetically.

"Because!" I shouted and shoved my phone in his face to show him the tweet that had caused my tears.

I saw his eyes move as he read it and I could tell he was getting angrier by the second.

"Son of a bitch!" he yelled and stood up furiously, storming out of the bus.

I had never seen this side of Rian, seeing him with such anger was frightening. I was afraid of what he could do, so I ran after him shouting his name and pleading him to stop.

But he didn't listen to me. He pushed through the venue doors and ran down the corridor leading to the dressing rooms.

He slammed the second door open, startling Jack, Zack, Cass... and Alex.

Immediately, Rian's eyes locked with Alex's and I could sense Alex's fear.

"What the fuck!?!" Rian shouted, making everyone jump in fear.

"Rian...?" Cass whispered.

"How could you toy with Sky's emotions like that!?" Rian yelled over his girlfriend's soft voice.

Alex's eyes slowly flickered over to me and he frowned, turning his gaze to the ground. He knew what Rian was talking about.

"What's going on?" Zack curiously asked.

"This son of a bitch," Rian pointed at Alex, "has found himself a new girlfriend!!!"

"What!?" Jack shouted.

Seemed like everyone was yelling today.

Jack stormed over to Alex and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pinning him up against the wall.

"Fucking explain!" he demanded.

Alex swallowed nervously as he attempted to push Jack off of him.

"I got back together with Lisa." he murmured.

Everyone gasped, making my heart breaking less audible.

"Why!? You don't love her, you love Skylar!" Jack said through gritted teeth.

"No!" Alex finally spoke up, and shoved Jack away.

"I thought I loved Skylar, but I don't! She's changed so much, she's not the person I fell in love with! But I do love Lisa! She was there for me when no one else was!" he yelled at all of us.

I felt the hot tears splash on my cheeks as I looked at the ground.

He didn't love me anymore... but I loved him.

"Why does it matter anyways, she doesn't love me!" he added, but I could see the small bit of hope that shone through his gleaming eyes. Almost as if he wanted me to prove him wrong.

"Are you fucking stupid!?" Rian yelled at him. "She--"

I cut him off before he could finish.

"I don't love you!" I stated.

And just like that, the small bit of hope that kept Alex's eyes gleaming, just disappeared.

"Then why are you crying?" he croaked.

I sighed and wiped away my tears.

"It's such a shame that I wasted so much time trying to remember a love that can never be relived." I said, looking him straight in the eyes.

My heart ached as I said those untrue words and maybe it was just my imagination, but I could see Alex become venerable and hurt too.

"Now, if you need me, I'll be at Fall Out Boy's tour bus." I said adding more intensity to the situation, making it seem as if everything that had just happened didn't break me.

I wasn't going to be the broken one here, not this time.


Twice in one day! I'm on a role xD Please do not freak out on me, I promise I will explain everything on next week's chapter!!! Remember to comment and vote for every chapter and I love you guys haha


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