Chapter 18

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"She's remembering."

"What?" Zack asked.

"She's remembering!" I yelled, excitement in my voice.

"That's a certain possibility. We checked her medical records, she has temporary amnesia, which means she just needs time and help from family, friends, and/or objects to trigger her memory. Which I assume, has been done." the doctor said.

Another doctor called him over and he nodded. "Excuse me, gentlemen." he said, before walking after the other doctor.

"Wait, can we see her!?" I yelled after him.

"A nurse will be with you momentarily." he replied.

She's remembering. The doctor just confirmed it... well, kind of. There was a huge possibility I could get my Sky back. And this time nothing would get in our way.

"Would you like to see Miss Stone?" a young nurse asked.

"All of us?" Jack asked.

She smiled and nodded. "The patient is not in critical condition which means visitors aren't limited... that is if you can behave." she said.

We all turned and glared at Jack. He was probably the only one stupid enough to even think of doing something irresponsible in a hospital. He put his hands up in surrender, a cheeky smile covering his face.

We followed the nice nurse down a wide hallway, passing room after room until she finally stopped in front of a door down the hall. She opened the door for us and we all quietly filled the room.

There lay my Sky.

Only a couple wires connected to her motionless body, it's not like she was in a coma or anything.

But either way it hurt to see her like that. The last time I saw her lying in a hospital bed, I lost her. And just the thought of that happening again made me want to tear my fucking hair out.

"Skylar, I know you're strong enough to get through this." Patrick's voice croaked.

"Here there little pal, you're holding up great." Joe added.

"Sky, you'll get through this. I know you will." Damon said.

And one by one, every band member said their encouraging words to her.

"We still need to watch Star Wars together." Andy.

"I want to be able to have contests with you again about who has whiter teeth." Rian.

"You need to get better." Jaime.

"We still have that wet t-shirt contest we need to do." Mike.

"I want to watch Star Wars with you and Andy, can I?" Tony.

"What will I do without my skateboarding buddy?" Zack.

"A certain someone wants to see you smile again. Please wake up, Sky." Pete.

I'm obviously that certain someone... right? But how did Pete know?

"I need you to wake up... you're like my sister." Cass.

"I'll tell you what I need to tell you when you wake up 'cause I know you will." Vic.

"If you're remembering, then you'll know you didn't properly use a condom." Jack.

Everyone had said something to her... anything at all, except for me.

"Do you want some alone time?" Jack asked.

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