Chapter 17

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(A/N Every time I change font, it will be a different memory)

"Daddy?" a young version of me asked, going up to a nice looking sir.

His hair was dark brown, like mine, but you could see a couple gray hairs. He had a small stubble, but the glasses he wore made him look professional.

"How're you doing, sunshine?" he asked.

"Mommy said she didn't want me bugging her and her friends." I murmured.

"Oh, come here. You will never ever bug me, Skylar. I love you, princess." he said, taking my small body in his arms.

"I love you too, daddy." I said.

"What do you mean 'gone?' That can't be true!" I yelled at my mother.

"Do not use that tone with me! He's gone!" she spat at me.

"How?" I murmured, lowering my voice.

She sighed. "Heart attack." she simply replied.

"But he was so healthy? What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know! Stop asking so many questions, damn it! Go to your room!" she yelled at me.

I glared at her before running off to the basement, also known as my room.

"These are the keys to your new apartment, if you need anything else you know where to find me." the caretaker said as he handed me the keys.

"Yes, thank you. Uh, how much is the rent again?" I asked.

"545$ a month." he assured me.

I nodded. "Thank you."

I sighed as I took the elevator up to my apartment. I needed a new, better job.

"Are you serious!?" I shouted down the phone is excitement.

"Yes." the man laughed down the line. "But we need to schedule an interview first. Is 9am tomorrow okay?" he asked.

"That's perfect!" I cheered.

"Alright, see you first thing tomorrow morning uh--"

"Skylar." I told him

"Skylar, see you tomorrow." he said.

"Yes. Thank you so much Mr. Flyzik Sir." I rushed.

He laughed before hanging up.

"What the fuck!?" I yelled as hot coffee made contact with my new DSLR Nikon camera.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you!" a male voice shrieked.

"Ah shit, my camera, no! Fucking watch where you're going next time, dumbass!" I screeched, inspecting my camera for the damage.

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