Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you want to eat here? We can always asked the driver to send us to a better eatery. Aren't you afraid the media might see you, the youngest princess of the Bridget family eating here?" Why is everyone worried about something so trivial? So what if they saw me here?

Will it tarnished my reputation? Will they talk shit behind my back? Probably. I would like to see them try.

"I don't care." I said before the driving opening the door for us.

"Beside," I showed her my phone and point at the food that I'm craving for.

"I would like to try this. They claimed to have the best beef brisket in the city." My best friend , Lily Glendale read through the ads that I stumbled upon while I was on social media.

"You dragged me all the way here just for a beef brisket? You have the best chef available in your own home but you asked me to cancelled my appointment for a beef brisket?" I nodded while she just stare at me with 'are you kidding me' expression.

"Yes. That's exactly the reason why I asked you to cancelled your appointment. Also, don't worry about it. I've taken care of it with one simple call. I'm sure the Glendale family will be happy to know that the resort are theirs to have." I got out from the car followed by Lily.

"Well, I hope so. If not, my father will kill me for ruining the sweet deal." We made our way inside the restaurant and was lead to our table by a waiter. He smiled, gave us two glass of water and the menu for us to see.

"I never imagined that this kind of establishment would have abundant choices of food." Lily said while looking through the menu.

"Are you done? I know what I want." Lily nodded. I raised my hand to called for the waiter. He saw me and with a smile he made his way towards us.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to Dynamite. What would you like for today?" The waiter was polite.

"The chef's special and a ginger tea." I turned my attention to Lily.

"Fish and chips with coke. Light ice." The waiter smiled and took the menu book from us. While we wait for our food to come, I received a text from my sister. She was informing me about the progress of rebuilding a burnt school that happened recently.

"I can't believe that the holiday is coming to an end. I don't want to go to school yet. My parents forced me to followed them around. Just because my brother decided to followed his dream to be a doctor, why am I being punished for it? Why do I have to be the one to take over the company? I haven't have any decent time for myself since the holiday starts. What about you?" I took a sip of water before shrugging my shoulder.

"There's always someone who tried to end my life. The only thing that happened to me thats not supposed to happened was my engagement." Lily's eyes seemed to be focusing on something.

"That girl is one tall lad. She seems familiar for some reason." Girl? What girl? The waitress? She sure is tall for a girl.

"Stop ogling her like that. Or you'll creep her out." I waved my hands in front of her. When our order finally came, i was surprised that the tall waitress was the one who sent them.

"Chef's special with ginger tea?" I raised my hand a little before she placed the plate in front of me.

"Fish and chips with coke." She smiled once again before leaving our table.

"That woman is beautiful." I hushed my friend. After having such a hearty lunch, we both went to the register and was about to pay when a group of guys decided to pay for our meal in exchange of having our contact number.

Would You Die For Me? (GirlxGirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon