Chapter 4

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"Did you saw everyone's reaction? They despise the idea of having Billie and Brian in the disciplinary committee." Lily chuckled while looking through her phone.

"I did. But, it's not their choice. It's not like I didn't announced that the council need a new candidate for the committee. They are the ones who choose not to be part of the council. They have no right to question my decision." I simply said while looking out the window of the car.

"Freya, was there something about Billie that interest you? You seemed a bit ... fixated about her." Lily seemed to be having fun teasing me. But am I, really? Was it obvious that I showed some interest with the waitress?

I've been feeling this way since she intervene with out matter at the restaurant. I just can't help but to think back how cool she was when she stopped those thug from forcing us to be with them.

Who would have thought that I would witnessed something like her threatening a member of the Valley family! I need someone like her that doesn't know fear. She will be a great addition to my security team.

I need to survive this. I just have to. For the sake of the family ... for the sake of my future. My grandfather has given me something that he should've given to my uncle. I shall protect it ... but I need to stay alive.

"Did you make the necessary call about Billie's bike?" I asked.

"I did. It should be there waiting for her by tomorrow morning. What about you? Are you ready to have a date with a commoner?" I shrugged. It's just a date. Nothing special.

"Are you sure you're ready? Billie is notorious for her charming side. Women wants her and men wished to be her. I've gathered a lot of information about her and her past is quite interesting." Her past? I'm quite interested about that.

"She basically was born in a loving environment. Her parents used to be high school sweetheart and they decided to get married after graduating high school. But even after starting a family of his own, her father decided to pursued his dream to work in a medical field. Hence, he's a nurse at a local hospital now." Lily explained.

So true love does exist for some people.

"Where is her mom now? What is she doing?" Lily sighed.

"When Billie was 5, her mother died from cancer. Since her mother's passing, her father stepped up to be both the mother and father for her daughter. He's such a doting father. I wish that my dad would act like that. All he cares about is money and power." Lily sighed.

"That's the difference between us and commoners. They have no sense of responsibility to their family. But for us, it's important to keep a sustained relationship with everyone." For some reason, the car stopped in the middle of the road. When I looked outside, something seemed off.

"What's going on?" Lily asked the driver.

"There's a group of people standing in the middle of the road. I can't drive through. What should we do now, Lady Freya?" What on earth is happening?! It didn't take long for someone to knock on my window and asked me to get out from the car.

Of course I won't. Who do they think they are?!

"Is it possible for us to reverse?" Lily asked.

"Negative ma'am. They had cut off the road that we used earlier as well." We're trapped.

"Don't worry. Help is on its way." Lily suddenly announced with a smile on her face. Help? Was it my imagination or did Lily took this way too lightly. Sure, we face this circumstance far too many time. Where did that confidence of her came from?

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