“I see” I said. “Don’t you think that’s a bit selfish? You know, having a party when his parents aren’t there, then leaving it to someone else to clean up his mess?”
“it’s a family thing” Eleanor explained “his parents are the kind of people not to really care about their children, just leave them for the maids to deal with, is basically their motto for parental advice” I frowned.
“Yeah, so Zayn sort of does it to spite them for neglecting him, but that’s his story to tell...” Danielle concluded.

I thought about it for a second.
“Yeah I’ll come then” I said. “But is it sort of like, invite only or something?” I said.
“No, just about anyone can come” I smiled.
“Okay then” I said.
“So I’ll pick you up or?” Eleanor said.
“Yeah you can pick me up, considering you know where he lives and I don’t own a car” I laughed.
“Okay, well, my sisters taking me I’ll have her swing by your house around half 7, on the way there.” She smiled greatly.
“Okay” I flipped through my book finding the back page and ripping it out, I quickly wrote down my address and passed it to her. “Here’s my address” I smiled. She grinned back taking it and putting it in the pocket of her extremely tight jeans.
I looked over at Danielle and smiled.she smiled back and we began to do the work sir had assigned us.

When last lesson was almost over i popped out my phone and text niall.

Where do you wanna meet?

I popped my phone back in my pocket for a minute, hiding it from sir’s view, I felt my pocket vibrate. So I picked it out, making sure that sir didn’t notice as I read his text.

Out front of school?

My heart fluttered, I had no idea why, but whenever he texts me back, my belly felt like a balloon full of butterflies.

Sounds good, see you there :D

When the bell rang, I couldn’t have got out of school fast enough. I almost tripped over my own feet as I felt kind of impatient to get out of the school, the crowds of students blocked the corridors and as much as I would of loved to shove them all out the way and run for it, I had to keep up the act of a normal citizen.

When I made it out of the doors finally, I jogged up to see the blonde bloke, with a smile plastered to my face. I tapped him on the shoulder and when he looked around his eyes locked to mine and my knees almost collapsed.
“Hey” I said, breathily. “You haven’t been waiting long? Bloody crowed corridors” I laughed. He shook his head.
“No I only just got here” he said. He looked at me expectantly. And I realised we had better make our way to my house.
“Let’s go then” I smiled as I started to walk away as niall kept pace with me. An awkward silence came over us both while we walked. I swear the walk felt like forever. Even though it only lasted like 8 minutes. 

As we neared my house my heart started to thump erratically.
“We’re here” I said smiling. We walked up to my door and opened it looking back at niall who was smiling up at me, I’d never noticed before, he is kind of short; just another thing to add on to the list of things I thought were adorable about him.

We sat in my room, laid across the bed, maths books everywhere, I was trying to explain algebra to him, but he still couldn’t quiet grasp it. I looked down at the sheet yet again.

Simplify this equation:
3x -2 + 4x + 5

It seemed simple enough to me, but I guess to niall it just looked like a whole lot of gibberish.
“let me try and explain it like this, x means carrots so you have 3carrots – 2 + 4 carrots +5” he looked at me for a second and nodded. “Right to carrots don’t like to be lonely, so you need to put them together so how many carrots to you have in this equation?” he looked at it for a second
“Yeah, so now put that to the side, and put the rest of the numbers next to it so it looks like this”

My Tutor (A Nouis Fanfic) (One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now