Chapter 3: The Types of Witches

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The Types of Witches:

To list all the different types of Witches may be virtually impossible as some may not identify with any 'category', some may identify with all the 'categories' and some could identify with only a few 'categories'. I'd like to emphasise that I am by NO MEANS limiting the possibilities and types of practicing Witches, as frequently mentioned- Witchcraft is a liberating and unrestrictive path to follow.

Everyone is open to practicing as they wish. Everyone is open to believing in whatever they feel is right to them. Everyone takes the path and makes it their own. Due to this reason, many people may have conflicting views or beliefs as well as similar. The following list is not representative of the sheer amount of detailed practices that entail Witchcraft, there is always more than meets the eye.

Air Witches- A Witch who may collaborate with the element of Air and any surrounding energies corresponding to it e.g. incense and feathers.

Alexandrian Witches- Witches follow a more diverse and unstructured path unlike it's "...sister..." (Kendra Sydral, 2019) religion, Gardnerian Wicca. Similar to chaos magick, they believe "If it works, use it," (Maxine Sanders 1946). There may also be elements of ceremonial and Qabalah magick in their practice too. Alexandrian Wicca was created by Alexander and Maxine Saunders in the 1960s.

Artistic Witches- Witches who incorporate their artistic creations such as drawing, painting, dancing and singing with their energies to produce a powerful piece.

Atheist Witches- A Witch who disbelieves in the idea of deities- they may still have Pagan beliefs, however.

Blood Witches- Witches who practice the extremely powerful art of blood magic. Utilising either their blood, animal blood or third parties' blood. To reassure you, this is not necessarily down to sacrifice- menstruation blood and nose bleeds may be used also.

Chaos Witches- A Witch who has little to no traditional or religious beliefs thus, will do anything to increases success within their practice. They do not follow conventional routes therefore it is fair to assume they may integrate unusual or varied paths in order to produce the desired result.

Hearth Witches- Witches that focus their energies more so on the happiness and content of a home- deemed to be a scared environment. Their energies may be more familial or home centred.

Cosmic Witches- A Witch who may combine astrological and astronomical aspects into their practice e.g. constellations, positions of the planets as well as the moon and sun.

Crystal Witches- Witches that typically practice crystal-centred magick e.g. crystal healing, crystal meditation, and protection. Some can identify crystals and their specific properties just by glancing at them.

Death Witches- May sometimes be recognised as a Necromancy Witch (Witches that communicate with the dead). It entails the practice of honouring and working with energies from the dead. A death Witch may combine this with ancestral magick (communication and honouring past relatives) as well as bone magick (working with bones to establish a greater connection to the spiritual owners).

Demonic Witches- Witches that may invoke demonic entities for advice or inaugurate deals. Demons may only be invoked, as they require a deep amount of respect and understanding.

Dianic Witches- Witches more associated with feminism within Witchcraft, they follow strongly feministic-ways and a matriarchal hierarchy- worshipping the Goddess in all her phases. Some Dianic Witches define themselves as homosexual. Dianic Wicca was created in 1971 in California, Los Angeles.

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