𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚍

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In the weeks following that night, my life became a lot more exciting! Mark gave me many fun things to do, as long as I didn't leave the house. He even said we might go out to a date soon! I really do hope so. While I do love this beautiful home, I do miss the outside. I want to see things like movies again, and go out to fancy dinners.

Speaking of dinner, I probably should go down and get something to eat.

My hand pushes on the dark oak door to mine and Mark's room, gently letting it creak open as I step through the doorway. My bare feet make small padding sounds with each step on the wood flooring, and my hand follows the wall as I continue towards the next turn in the hall. this continues through the labyrinth that I call a home until I reach my delicious destination. The kitchen.

The kitchen is grandiose, a beautiful marble island in the center of a circular designed kitchen. The appliances are shockingly up to date for the antique-like mansion we live in. It's wonderful to cook in when I have the chance, but it looks like I may not have the chance right now, as I have other things to worry about.

Standing at the stove, cooking a fried egg with bacon, was a man with a bright pink mustache. He stood at about average height, dressed in a yellow button up and pink suspenders that held up hearted underwear. His fluffy black hair fell freely, the only thing styled being his twisted, pink, handlebar mustache.

Something felt quite familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

"Oh well look at you! You're incredibly late for brunch and you're incredibly early for linner which puts you in the dangerous place of being both late and early!" His voice was so animate and comical, you'd think he was a clown of some sort. "And you're soooo underdressed! Not even wearing shoes!" I was so offended I didn't even think to ask what he was doing here.

"W-well you're one to talk! You're not wearing pants!" My face falls defensively and my arms quickly cross, shocked by his audacity. "Who do you think you are?"

"Well who do you think I are! Here I am so generously cooking you breakfast and you come to ridicule me! Unbelievable!" I stop and blink for a moment so absolutely confused by him that I don't know how to respond the the insanity spewing from his lips.

"Wha-I mean-...huh?" I groan and sigh, My head falling  into my hands and My fingers rubbing my temples in frustration. I take in a deep breath and try to quickly process what the hell is going on. "Okay.. so let's start here. My name is (y/n)."

"Hmm... that name sounds familiar.." he ponders on that thought for a moment, softly tapping his chin. Quickly getting over that he flips a fried egg with his spatula and cries out "Well, no matter! I'm Wilford, Wilford Warfstache!" He smirks and reaches out to take your hand, gently kissing the top of it like a gentlemen. I blush and tilt my head a bit, feeling a bit of recognition in his name. I felt so comfortable around him in the strangest way, as if he were an old friend or a close relative.

"Okay Wilford, so what are you doing here?" I smile slightly, leaning against the counter and trying to steal a piece of bacon from the cooling rack. He smacks my hand with the spatula and goes back to cooking, my hand quickly recoiling.

"I'm not really sure." 

"You don't know?" I tilt my head a bit and chuckle. "Then how did you get here?"

"I opened a door!" He guffaws and puts the fried eggs into the plates to the side, now focused on finishing the bacon. "what a dumb question!"

"Hey! That's not very nice, Wil!"

He pauses, the spatula laying loosely in the pan as he stares forward with a pained look. The room feels cold, all of the warm, familial feeling drowning in the chill of melancholy. "(Y/n)."

The look on his face makes him seem like he's just moments away from crying, looking heartbroken and aged from struggle. Age had never been relevant before.

"W-wil, what's wrong?"

His eyes slowly meet mine, looking painfully at me as if he was reaching into my soul. Pain sparked my heart, and tore at my brain.

His hand slowly reached up and gently wiped the tears the seemingly freed themselves from my eyes. "Don't cry my dear, the pain will pass just like it did before."

It felt hard to breathe, tears falling harder now that they were recognized. My hands trembled and reached up to my heart, pressing hard on my chest and feeling the ghost of a hole in that placement.

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you." His hand falls to my shoulder, making firm eye contact. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. You were my most trusted comrade."

Echoes of a gunshot ring in my ear, and I swear I see a vision of him reaching out from a railing, falling and hitting the ground painfully.

It's so clear now.

"W-William, how could you? Why couldn't you listen to me? I tried so hard to stop you Wil, so hard!!" He breaks eye contact guiltily, turning away tensely.

"I was so driven, I don't think anything could have stopped me My Dear." He sighs. "But we can't change the past, only choose to accept it."

I take a short breath, thinking on the painful truth I've been reminded of.

"I need you to listen to me before I lose my mind again." He moves forward again, bringing my attention back to his intently serious mind. "You need to leave here. You're in danger. He will hurt you again and again, break your mind again and again until you're like me. You have to get out of here."

"Do you mean M-" his finger presses to my lips, shushing me intently and standing straighter.

"Best not to speak his name." He smirks a bit. "But just trust me, do what you can to get away. And do not let him know that you remember."

He backs up, straightening his shirt and straightening his pants that appeared at some point. He walks towards the door to the kitchen, looking back at me. "Now I better take my leave. I'll be back again soon."

I nod quickly, looking up to him. "Will, I've missed you."

He chuckles a bit and smiles warmly. "Me too, old chap." And as he pushed through the swinging door, he disappeared.

Home girl be back y'all

The Horrors Of Which My Past Has Haunted Me (Darkiplier/Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now