One More Time, with Feeling!

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My eyes flutter, seeing a house I hadn't seen in quite a long time. I'm in the back of a yellow taxi, an overnight bag sitting beside me. Oh, this old familiar mansion made me smile, happy to finally see it again after the long wait. Looking over the long stoned driveway, I laugh a little. Always the best for dear Mark.

It had been so long since Mark had invited you to his Manor, despite the many times you tried to connect with him. He truly had shut himself off after what happened between him and Celine, and then what happened between us. I didn't think it affected him as much as it did. I just didn't want to lose him.

I shake my head to clear it, putting a bright smile back to my face with the driver slowing to a stop. I pay the taxi fare, hopping out of the ride with my bag in hand. I straighten my satin dress a bit and adjust my heals slightly before walking up to the door, spotting an old friend looking over the mansion.

"William~!" I smile excitedly, moving faster to catch up with him. He turns and laughs joyously.

"(Y/N)! how many times must I tell you to call me the Colonel?" He sighs with fake exasperation, smiling happily down to me as I give him a big hug.

"Enough times for you to finally give up on that notion, Will!" I giggle and push him playfully. "How have you been?" I see a twinge of sadness spark for that question.

"Just fine, my dear, and how about you?"

"I've been wonderful~!" I smile as we get up to the door.


"Ah, Bonjour Ms. (L/n)! Welcome back to Markiplier Manor!" Benjamin smiles at me kindly Gesturing with his hand to the inside of the house. "I'll take your invitation, (y/n) and I'll get you a drink forthwith." He takes the invitation out of my hand kindly, leading me into the foyer where some other familiar faces stood.

"Oh, (y/n)!" Damien moves forward towards me, taking me in his arms softly and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "So glad you had the time to come, my love." He smiles warmly, looking content that I could make it. His caned hand falls to his side, keeping the other arm around my waist as I turn to Abe.

"Hello, Detective! It's good to see you again!" I had interviewed the detective before for my journal I write for. He was a kind man, with a very structured moral system and firm determination.

"Same to you, (y/n)! If you ever need a favor, let me know." He tips his hat to me gently, a kind smile on his face. I look up to Damien softly and move past him, looking over to say hello to the chef.

"Chef?" I peak around the corner, seeing his gruff, grumpy face messing with a silver platter. He looks up to me grumpily, but I see a kind spark in his eye that makes me know he doesn't actually hate me.

"Stay out of my kitchen, (y/n)." He threatens, huffing about it.

"Yes yes, I know." I sigh and close my eyes a bit. Same old chef.

"That's no way to treat our guest, chef!" Benjamin yells from another room, seeming offended for me. I wave him away. "It's fine, Benjamin!"

I walk back into the foyer, kissing Damien on the cheek as we hear footsteps approaching us. We both turn back to the staircase, noticing our host finally coming down. He had his hair combed back, but not as tightly as Damiens. His looked a little more messy and rugged in a way. He also wore a satin robe, giving off a Hugh Hefner vibe. He looks around the room with a grandiose attitude.

"Hello everybody, My name is Markiplier. Thank you for joining me on this auspicious evening! So good to be surrounded by such close and trusted friends!" His voice practically sings, fluctuating in pitch with every lull in his voice. He steps brown a few more steps, meeting your eyes for a second before looking over the room again. "Now, this evening, it's not all about the poker. It's not all about me. It's about you" when saying that, he points towards me, but by the way he says that he's meaning the general room of people. "So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living! And who knows? I could be dead tomorrow!" He laughs cockily, others joining him a bit.

The Horrors Of Which My Past Has Haunted Me (Darkiplier/Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now