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(AN: Just a reminder: that's not how the story goes if you think back to the first chapter. Just keep that in mind.

Also: do any of you know where I got the name of the story from? Comment with a guess!)

"Oh good, so you're awake." Mark smiles, standing before me with confidence. He steps forward, his footsteps bouncing of the maple floors. The walls were a dark red, and the bedding was black and gold. The room seemed dim, but there was some light seeping in from the corners the large windows that were covered in blinds.

"M-Mark?" I take in deep breaths, calming my body. It felt like I had been dead for a while, like my body was a corpse and was now fully reviving itself. I guess that wasn't a lie.

Realization fills my mind, my hand quickly pressing against my chest and feeling a scar where William shot me. It doesn't make any sense. None of this makes any sense...

"Mark...what's going on? Where are we?"

"Well, (y/n), we're in my new mansion. Well really, Our new mansion...One that wasn't tainted by that selfish little-" he pauses, regaining composer and sitting on the bed. "Celine. It's safe place where we can be who we are."

"And what is that?" He chuckles a bit his eyes looking a little dark as he looks back. In a split second, it feels like a luminous red glow surrounded him, showing of his reality. But only for a split second, not even long enough for me to take it in as actually happening.

"Well, you're just gonna have to find out, my dear." He stands up, stepping a way from the bed slightly. His body seems calm and moves gracefully, as if he was always in the spotlight. "For the mean time, we must act as if things are normal. I will be making my return today."

"Return?..." I think through, trying to catch up to him desperately. Return?

Oh, a return to his acting life, I suppose.

I remember what happened before, remembering my normal life away from the suffering this all is. Wait...? What's going on. "Mark. This is strange. Nothing makes sense anymore and everything is different. My mind is so mixed up and nothing feels real anymore." I touch my scar a bit, it reminding me just how real this all is. This is my reality. "It doesn't make any sense, Mark. Why did they abandon me? Why did all of this have to happen to us?" Tears stain my face, the betrayal of it all filling me. "We shouldn't be alive right now, none of us..."

Mark sighs again, sitting on the bed but keeping his back facing me. His body seems tense. "They don't care for you like I do, (y/n). You obviously weren't as important to them as you are to me." He turns, putting his hand on my cheek softly. I almost flinch away, feeling like his body is made of electricity. My eyes point away, thinking through his words.

"How do I know I can even trust you?" I whisper out, looking up to him with a weak look. A soft, deep chuckle flows smoothly from his chest, his calloused thumb brushing against my warm skin carefully.

"Because I didn't leave you." His voice sounds candid and convincing. "I'm the only one you truly can trust anymore."

His words seemed to resonate in my soul, leaving my soul feeling like pieces of a shattered porcelain doll. My truths hit me like a train.

Maybe, just maybe, he was right.

"And if I do trust you. What then?"

"Then I can give you everything your heart desires, (Y/n)." He chuckles again, his voice twisting back into its lulling, sing song tone. He moves forward, his face even closer to mine now as he looks over me. His lips practically hover over mine, as if tauntingly saying they could push forward at any time they wanted to. My face felt like fire, embarrassment and even a slight bit of fear filling me. "But you have to follow my lead."

"How so, Mark?" My voice comes out as practically a murmur, my heart racing and my cheeks red. I feel his mint breath on my face as he smiles; his rose lips close to mine, his structured face close to mine, everything too close to mine.

But then, he pulls away.

I take in a shakily deep breath, my body calming as I feel him straighten.
He stands up, straightening his red jacket and smirking slightly. "For now, you will reside here, to make sure you're safe."

I want to protest, tell him I can live by myself and take care of myself, tell him that I didn't need anyone, but he said to trust him and I do. So I just nod, biting my lip nervously as I shift softly in the bedding.

"Fine. Have it your way.."

"I intend to." He chuckles, sighing again before leaving the room. I sigh shortly, looking down at my lap and slowly lifting my hand to touch the scar residing by my clavicle. The one that proves I've died. And the one that proves I survived. My mind begins to wander, leading me down the rabbit hole of remembrance that I wasn't worth saving to anyone.

Anyone except Mark.

(A.N.-sorry it's short ;; )

The Horrors Of Which My Past Has Haunted Me (Darkiplier/Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now