Trouble The Water

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"Are you sure you weren't imagining things?" He looks at me confused and quizzically, looking like he couldn't possibly believe the words that just came out of my mouth. It's not surprising that he didn't want to believe me, I basically told him some magical person just appeared in my office, spoke as if he knew me, then disappeared.

"Seàn, I swear I'm not lying to you! He was standing right there! He touched my face, Seàn!! I was so scared!" I look at him pleadingly, my eyes staring into his ocean blue ones with fear and panic. He sighs and rubs his eyes, looking back to me as if he's starting to give in.

"I know it was frightening, I've never seen you act this way before... I'm just saying could you have fallen asleep or something?" He looks around, observing every corner of the dim room with absolute confusion. He wanted so desperately to be able to say he fully believed her and he knew that (y/n) was a fairly level headed person, and she would never lie about something like this, it just didn't make any sense.

"I couldn't have! There's no way...I think.." I sit back and think, knowing I haven't gotten much sleep the last few nights. Something was going on with me and I couldn't fully tell what it was. My mind felt boggled and broken. Scared and shattered. "I don't know... maybe it was. It just felt like he was there!"

Seàn sits on my desk with a caring look in his eye, keeping a slightly lopsided smile on his face. "Sometimes they do feel this way. Maybe it was a sleep paralysis or something?" I shortly exhale, feeling like it had to be more but knowing no one would believe me if I kept pushing it. And they have every reason not to believe it, I sound insane. Who in their right mind would ever believe that someone even could do this.

"You're right, Seàn. It was probably just a dream or something."I stand, pacing slightly and keeping my eyes firmly away from Seàns as I attempt to regain my composure. "Tell my about this article we're writing about." I give a weak smile, hiding the unsettled fear that lies deep within me. I have no idea what's going on, but I will get to the bottom of it.

"It's on this mansion that has been left abandoned by a famous actor, but that actor disappeared a few years ago. No one knows what happened to him or even if he's alive. I thought it would make a good article to look into the mansion and write about the mystery. I wanted to name it 'A look into the life and disappearance of Mark.' Pretty good huh?"

"That sounds a bit illegal, don't you think?" I look at him curiously, wondering why he would think of this as a good idea. I sit back into my leather chair, the folder now open in my lap.

"W-well, I just thought it would look cool. And it's going to be under my alias anyway, so I think it's worth the risk." He rubs his neck sheepishly, seeming like I just opened up the hole in his plan. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, I understand."

At this point I've opened the file, looking at the outside pictures of the mansion and feeling a chill run up my spine with no explanation why. I start to feel that this may have something to do with everything that's going on. "When are we going?"

He smiles brightly. "I knew I could depend on you!"


Three days later I was sitting in the passenger seat of Sean's convertible, us riding with the top up to avoid exposure. It was late afternoon on a Tuesday and we were doing our best to not attract attention as we pulled up to the old mansion. It didn't look abandoned in the slightest. It looked alive. The appearance felt calling as I looked into it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I say timidly, biting my lip softly immediately after. Something about this chilled the very fabrics of my soul, and left me with the feeling of uncertainty. It felt as if my body was yelling at me that this was the last chance to change my mind. It was as if my world was tipping and it was my last chance to jump off the ship before it capsized.

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