Bounds Unknown

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It was so real.

Who was that man and why couldn't I remember what I called him?

Within that dream I felt so many emotions, something I haven't truly felt in a long time. I felt like the one who held me was someone I so desperately loved and cherished. I felt like he was right in front of me, and I felt like he was supposed to stay right in front of me. It also came with a mournful pain which I can not express. It felt like my heart and lungs was filled with a million needles, pricking and making it harder to breath and building up my heart rate. Even after my mournful pain, waves of anger and betrayal kept slamming into me. The only way I could describe it was as the feeling of Abandonment.

Coming back to the real world, I realize I've been crying as I was spaced out. I take in deep breaths, trying hard to control my heart rate and breathing to calm myself down. I started to feel irate, my annoyance aimed at my own self as I dig into my mind to figure out anything.

"What was his name, damn it..." I sit and think, even as I said it in the dream it became muddled and fucked up.

Why did I hold so much value to this stupid dream.

What was wrong with me?

Suddenly I get it, grabbing a journal from my bedside table, along with a felt tip pin. I pull it open, my eyes filled with determination as I write down the name I so desperately wanted to remember.


I underline and Star next to it.

I felt relief flood my system, as if a dam had tore down and filled me with a calm I deeply needed. I lay back down, my head resting on the soft pillow. I sigh softly and close my eyes once more, breathing slowly and softly fall asleep.


A few days later, at the office, I sit on the desks of one of the paid interns in my department. He's looking up to me as I help him recognize a few simpler ways to create a better focal point.

"Do you see what I'm getting at, Ethan?" He smiles and nods, his blue hair shaking with the head movement.

"That makes a lot more sense, Ms. (L/N)!" I scoff jokingly, my face painted with shock as I stare down to him.

"Didn't I say don't call me Ms. (L/N)? That makes me feel old! I'm only 5 years older than you!!" He laughs at my offense, inspiring me to hit his shoulder with a Manila folder. "Ow!"

"Alright Ethan, go back to what you were doing" I smile and stand, walking back to my office and sitting at my desk.

As I sit and reply to emails, I feel a small tingling at the back of my neck, as if someone is staring at me with extreme focus. I look back anxiously, sighing in self annoyance as I recognize that nothing could be staring at me from the blank walls behind me.

I continue to type my replies to the higher ups, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. I do not need this right now. I still don't feel completely better after the other night.

Suddenly a noise.

A mocking chuckle.

I flip around, looking around and trying my hardest to find whatever could've made that sound. Anything as to explain why I heard such a thing.

"You're really losing it, (y/n).. there's nothing there" I sigh, putting my head in my hands as I rub my eyes with the palms of them. What has been up with me these past few days. I exhale sharply, my mind feeling muddled and filled with things I can't seem to understand. My life feels like it's tipping over, as if I stand on the deck of the titanic and it's out of my control. My world is top sizing.

"What a hard woman to find. You didn't think I would forget about you, did you?" An almost singsongy voice speaks out the words in an almost sardonic way, as if finding irony in the panic I feel.  I look up and try to scream, but my voice fails me, leaving my eyes to widen as they look upon man before me. His onyx hair is slicked back tightly and on his structured face sat an eery smile, one that made you shift in your seat as it felt like something was off. His body was clad in a red suit jacket and black dress pants. The smile residing on his lips left a hauntingly afraid feeling deep within my soul.

W-what's going on?

I try to will my voice to move once more but it simply stays silent leaving me with fast, shaky breaths and clenched, hands. I feel glued to my seat, as if I'm being held hostage by the ghost of man.

"You've been hiding from your truth for too long now, (Y/n). I went through all of this trouble to find you again, so now it's your turn to play the starring female role." He leans down, a blue glow resonating around him. For a moment, your vision of him flickers, him standing before you in a red satin robe and a spark of selfish adoration in his eye.

I finally muster up the strength to speak, my voice finally pushing through its invisible barrier. "W-who are you and w-what do you want with me?"

"My, My, you're just as I remember...Weak in nature but strong willed.." he chuckles again, observing my face as I glare at him. Resentment filled my body as he came closer and closer. But in the same vein, pain and apologetic sorrow grew within my heart. "It's time for you to wake up, (y/n). You can't hide forever.."

Right as he spoke those words my door swings open, revealing Seàn holding a folder with a tab that said 'abandoned manor.' He excitedly states "We've got something to work on, comrade!" Before seeing your shaken stature and panicking, rushing to your side. "What happened!?"

"I-I have no clue.."

The Horrors Of Which My Past Has Haunted Me (Darkiplier/Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now