Nothing Ever Stops You Leaving

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I silently follow the other men outside, my soul screaming at me to go back and talk with him. I can't believe he said that to me. What a hypocrite he is to say that he will be making my choices for me. We just talked earlier and he was talking all about how life is ours to choose.

"Life is ours to choose, my ass." I mumble out, glaring at the floor as we pass through the halls towards the back door.

Trying to take my free will from me like that? How dare he?

"Partner?" My vision snaps up, gasping as I remember what's going on. I sigh softly, rubbing my head softly as I give him a fake smile.

"S-sorry" I mutter softly, now stopped with the detective, the butler and the chef talking between each other as they continue to go.

"It's fine, but you need to get it together. We're close, I can feel it." He nods assuringly, watching the other men like a hawk while filled with distrust of them. I sigh and follow, my body practically moving on its own as it follows. We get further into the garden, seeing dirt fly from beside a rose bush.

There we find an older man who I can only assume is the groundskeeper. He has long, pale hair and a frail looking body, but his face shows a knowingness from his age.

Abe rushes up to him. "Hey! Buddy! Hands where I can see 'em!"

The groundskeeper scoffs at the man. "My hands are where they're supposed to be. Unless you'd like to dig the hole yourself." He looks at Abe with a sarcasm.

The chef sighs angrily. "I'm sorry man, they gave me no choice."

"What the hell are you even doing here?"

I start to zone out again, my eyes looking down as they talk in the background. I can't get Damiens cold look out of my head. He's never spoken to me in that tone was...frightening.

I'm so confused and scared and at this point I don't even know if I can trust the man I love. I shudder a bit, biting my lip and remembering the demonic version of him appearing in my visions.

There's got to be something going on with him.

Why would he ever act that way?

"I ain't going near that house! However, there is one reason. One incident. One manifestation... That will get me into that mad house."

He's such a man of composure, I'm shocked I was able to make him break it like that.

"You had better pray to God that reason never comes to pass."

The moment those words leave the mans mouth, Thunder clashes all around us. A bright, blinding light shoots from the windows of the mansion like a beacon of help, sending us a massive warning sign. The world feels like it's almost hazy and dizzying as we all turn and stare at it for a brief second, simultaneously realizing how insane and impossible this all was.


"That there's the reason!!" The groundskeeper starts running to the house, us following closely as we race inside. I pant, running past the men up the stairs, even passing William exiting from his room.

"Damien!!!" I see the light coming from the room Celine and I were once doing the seance in, seeing Celine's frame in the doorway. I can barely see her face, but from what I do see, she's got some sort of dark look in her eye. I don't take the time to even think.


I run over to reach out and grab her, being quickly thrown away by the groundskeeper. I fall back, hitting my head on the white banister as I look into the luminescent doorway. I cry out "no!", scrambling to try and get back up, but dizzied from hitting my head.

The Horrors Of Which My Past Has Haunted Me (Darkiplier/Damien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now