prequel explanation.

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I'm making this quick update since I still get messages regarding the prequel/potential sequels.

Ultimately, I've decided that I'm going to leave Dollhouse as it is. It isn't a story that I think needs to be further explored, especially since I never intended the main character to end up with one of the boys. That was the main reason I left the final chapter open-ended.

However, since I teased the idea of the prequel in the past I thought it'd be fair to explain the plot that I had in mind. If you were happy with the ending, then feel free to disregard everything ahead.

The prequel was titled "Doll Face" and focused on Y/N's father as a child. We'll call him Ben to avoid confusion, though I never ended up naming him.

Ben was described as someone with unique gifts by every adult who knew him. However, since he was so different from all the other people he grew up with, he never really made friends. He grew up in a small town so he didn't have many opportunities to meet new people. And worst of all, he was bullied.

Since Ben didn't have friends, he imagined them himself. 

Can you guess who these friends are?

He created BTS (this alternate universe's version) so that he wouldn't feel alone and also because he liked kpop. He went as far as to having many drawings of them in insane detail so that they felt real to him. At this point in the story, they're still part of his imagination. As in Ben didn't create the dolls/they weren't "born" yet.

Eventually, Ben meets someone named "Y/N" and falls in love with her. She's described as someone with pretty features that are almost doll-like, hence the title. After going through the rest of middle school and high school together, Y/N eventually loves him back. They get married. Blah blah blah. She dies in an accident caused by one of the kids that bullied Ben growing up. 

And she was pregnant, which they were both excited for. 

Heartbroken, Ben locks himself away in their home. He'd forgotten about his imaginary friends since he'd fallen in love. But now that Y/N and their baby was gone, he invented a way to grant life to inanimate objects since his wife was taken away from him.

And that's how Y/N, the main character in Doll House, was created. He named her after his late wife to honor her and decided to raise her as his daughter. The main character was created in Ben's idea of what the daughter of him and his wife would look like.

Ben got better after that since he had (I'm gonna call her MC bc main character of Dollhouse lol) to look after.

Anyway, blah blah blah, eventually Ben ends up with a business partner after other inventions take off. Ben never tells his business partner aka Shady Man about how he granted a doll, his daughter, life.

But Shady Man starts to get suspicious. Once he figures out what Ben is capable of, he wants to take advantage of it because he's hella greedy.

Anyway, to protect the main character, Ben hides her by giving her up. He leaves her with a doll house that has the magical life-giving properties, though she's unaware of that, obviously.

Though Ben's not in her life, he does keep an eye on her. He was successful from all his other inventions, so he had the money to both hide and protect her. Mostly.

He wanted his last gift to her to be the imaginary friends that he had all those years ago, because they got him through his tough times just through his imagination. He could only imagine what they could do for her if they were real.

But, as we know from Dollhouse, nothing went according to plan. He wanted her to have a normal human life, but he felt like he owed her an explanation after everything went wrong. That's the only reason he sent her a note. He had a hard time forgiving himself but tried to make up for it again.

And that's it! I know all the details aren't fully ironed out, I know that it isn't a great idea, but that's honestly as far as I got. I hope that wasn't too confusing to follow with the duplicate "Y/N"s lmao. 

Also, thank you so much for getting Dollhouse to 250k. I know I'm barely active, but I still appreciate all of the support and kind comments. Though this story definitely isn't my best work, it's a reminder of all the fun I had writing it. I'm grateful for the opportunities it gave me to grow.

See ya <3

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